Sin was meant for something good, believe it or not. How do you learn how to walk as a baby? Simple – you hold on to something to get on your feet, then start moving one foot forward (cause you’ve been watching your parents do it for a long time now) and then boom, you fall down. Ouch! That hurt. But do you stop? No! You start all over again until at last, you succeed and can walk on two legs! And that’s how you learn most anything – through trial and error, ups and downs, happy and sad, hurt and healed, here and then gone. Sin is meant to teach us things – mostly disciplines. What we do with that knowledge or don’t do, determines our future and most likely, our eternity.
We are supposed to love our
family because they are the ones who are closest to us, who are there for us
when we’re down and who’ll be there for us as long we (or they) are alive. But
do we? I have to admit that other cultures (Latinos, Blacks, and Orientals)
have got that down, but whites lost something along the way. Most white
families are not very close, and, they hate being with each other for the most
part. At least, that’s what I’ve observed in my 72 years thus far. But my main
point in this is that family is supposed to be ‘for’ each other, not against.
So if you ask someone not
to do something because it bothers you, and they do it anyway, over and over
again, and even rub it in your face because you’ve rejected what you asked them
not to give you, I’d say that’s not love, but actually the opposite, hate. But
it’s hate in the heat of anger, which some justify their actions with (Romans 7 is
good here), because they didn’t really mean to do that. So, they don’t even
have to apologize because they didn’t really mean it and you’re supposed to
know that and just forgive without them even asking you to forgive them. Now,
Matthew 18:21-22 says forgive seventy times seven, which is supposed to mean
there’s no end to forgiving. But our sin
selves will say, “I’ve forgiven them 249 times. That’s enough! But if we
gave our hearts and lives to God through Jesus, we have to forgive another time or God won’t forgive us (Matthew
6:15). So there! That says it all. But not
if you are going to go against what God says AND you have that right.
God gave all of us freedom of choice! Whether it’s right or wrong, we have the
right to choose for ourselves whether we want to follow God’s way or our own
way. That’s the discipline of using sin as a means to bring us to a better
place for our future and eternity, or the other way. There’s only two ways to
go! Or is there? That’s for a later time, but our enemy, the Devil, believes
there’s a third way for an eternal future without going to Hell or Heaven… what
is that?
I’m going to stop at this
point and let you think about all that, so till next entry, have a great day! Don't forget to watch good news sources:
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