Thursday, February 3, 2022

Greatest Exposure is Happening at This Time - Part 3

Say you’re sick… some part of you isn’t working right, or eventually a fleshly part of you is wearing out. What can you do? You can get medication, but that’ll only work for a while. You need to replace that part and make it like it was when you were younger. But how? Organ donations could work here… right?

We’ve all seen movies where a person found a way to regenerate their physical bodies so they could go on and on. It’s not even a new idea. There are movies that portray people trying to stay young in various cultic ways. Dorian Gray is one. But more recently, the Borg in the Star Trek series are half human, half machine – that is transhumanism folks. There are others where people sell their souls to the Devil. Oddly enough, that’s what’s actually happening right now.

These bodies were never meant to live forever. As a matter of fact, they were meant to be temporary so we could have the luxury of sinning with a ‘get out of jail free’ card. God made a way out of going to Hell for eternity when He gave His only Son for that sacrifice. Jesus was sinless and died willingly so we could be reconciled to God. These bodies were only meant as a temporary dwelling place for our eternal spirits. Once this body dies, it goes back to the basic form from which it came, but the spirit then moves on to its eternal habitation – Heaven or Hell. Yes, your spirit is going to live forever! Whether you like it or not. Why? I have no idea… but what about this?

When you make something, you need all the parts, or you can’t complete it. What if we were all created for a specific reason, not only in this short lifetime, but for all eternity, and your spirit has to be somewhere or it all won’t work together properly. God is a God of order, precision and meticulous preparation for His eternal plan to work the way it needs to. Hell was created for the people’s spirits that reject His Son’s sacrifice, but those spirits have to be somewhere or the entire plan won’t pan out. I’m no scientist, but either God gave me that revelation or I’ve got an over active imagination.

God’s nemesis, Satan, hates us for the fact that we have the opportunity to be forgiven and he can’t be because he is already a spiritual being. He was the most beautiful and glorious angel ever created and had the most prominent position of all the created beings. He hovered over the throne of God, Himself. But when pride entered in, he proclaimed that he would be like the most High God. God said “No you’re not”, tossed him out of heaven and 1/3 of the created angels went with him. They chose sin over glory for all eternity. I personally can’t wrap my head around that, but it’s what started this whole war between good and evil. Satan is determined to be worshipped – and by the Jewish people, of all things – and he’s going to great lengths to find a way to NOT have to dwell in Hell for all eternity. He’s insane enough to actually think that’s possible and we are in the middle of it all.

But how does he think he can do that? Transhumanism is how… hence computers, mechanical body parts, robots getting more human looking and acting, cyber inserts for your brain and other parts of your body, and probably much more than I even know about. It starts small like the insert they have that attaches to your body – usually the back of your arm – for diabetes blood sugar control, is a part of that as well. Virtual reality games, workouts, etc. are all part and parcel of what’s coming up for the rich and famous to be able to reside in these bodies forever and not worry about dying so they won’t have to go to Hell either.

Yes siree! These sci-fi sounding things are all happening right now and there are more horrors attached to them that will blow people’s minds when it all starts getting exposed. But I’ll end here for now. Wait till I get into how, why and what the Catholic church is really all about and what that means for these times too.

Don’t forget to listen to the God news:

Here’s an interesting video on whether to vax or not to vax:

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