Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Good Thing Nobody Reads These

Well, it's another red letter day or days in the life of Karen Wilt. I've just blocked the last person and family member that talks to me. When you write something, it belongs to you, right?  If you share it with someone for their opinion, does that mean, "Hey, go and send this to anyone you want and even throw it out on Facebook so the whole world can see it."  I was going to put it there anyway, but that's not the point.

I over reacted and hurt someone, but that person violated my privacy, my personal property and just thinks their double standard way, that it's just fine because that's what they do. I was convicted yesterday that I had to apologize, but I didn't apologize for what I said or why I was angry, but for how I said it and how I over reacted. I'm sure that's not going to be accepted but I don't even care anymore.

What all this has shown me, which I think I knew already, was how alone I really am. I could drop dead and rot for days before someone would smell my dead body and even care to see where the smell is coming from. Nobody connects anymore and everyone's afraid of everyone else. The only way people connect is by social media. It's the worse thing besides computers that ever happened to this world. In some ways they can be good, but for the most part, it's all been used for evil and it's disconnected all of us, especially those who live in proximity to each other. We never visit anymore. We text, or email, or zoom. It's sickening.

I never really got involved with people's lives. That's why I'm alone. I never made myself indispensable to anyone. You get what you give and I don't give much at all. I've always been too busy with 'my' stuff. Yeah right, and look where it got me. I'm retired so I don't even have 'work' friends. All those disappeared when I stopped working with them.

I got an email from someone who said they were suffering silently through 2021 from loss of family and friends. They're wrestling with death and the fact that it's so final. I offered my testimony about Jesus in my life. Because for me, that's all there is anymore. I don't hold any hope for this life at all. I see nothing getting better, just worse. This age is ripe for what the enemy wants to do through the sad ones who actually think they have a place in his kingdom, if he wins, which he won't, because God wins in the end... Revelation says so. 

An evangelist/prophetess I listen to online said something in her last release. Her son had a prophetic dream that said, "Anybody who thought they were a friend of the antichrist, just because they helped bring him on the world scene, he will immediately eliminate. He completely killed them and destroyed them, with such great jealousy, anger and audacity for thinking they had some type of rank or clout or position with him, even though they were told that it was promised to them."  

Ahhhh, isn't that just like satan? He's a deceiver, a liar and insanely evil through and through, and he'll never change. It's who he is. He holds no one in any type of esteem but himself. So unfortunately, all those dupa's that are selling this country down the river, thinking they're going to be riding high and sittin' pretty, are in for a terrible surprise. But that still doesn't change how now is.

I should be glorifying God and be joyful in all this. I know Jesus and know that all this must take place for God's perfect life to begin and evil to be destroyed, which is what I want! So, what's the problem Karen?  

Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
    I will praise him again—
    my Savior and my God!  Psalm 42:11

I'm only sad because I miss how things were. But I don't want to be a Lot's wife! I don't want to look backward. I don't even want the world to stay as it is. It's only going to get worse! It will grow more sinful, more wicked, and I don't want to live in all that! Life will NEVER go back the way it was, and I don't want it to. I don't want to be that guy in the Matrix that betrayed his fellow warriors just so he could go back into the Matrix and eat steak and not know anymore what the truth really was. 

But one of the problems I have with all this is, I have very few people to talk to about it, except online and I hate online anymore. That's all turning in to being tracked constantly. Eventually it'll get worse because I won't take the 'jab' and allow them to put their tracking software into my body. But try telling that truth to the ones who 'don't' want to know and they think you're the nut case and one of those conspiracy theorists. Biden keeps saying that the unvaxed are the ones who are jeopardizing the vaxed, when nobody in the federal government is vaxed at all. 

This is all going on and nobody is doing anything about it! Why??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THAT!!! They know the truth about what they're doing and yet nobody is arresting any of them. Nobody is throwing any of them in jail for treason. Arrrrghhhh! I want to scream at the top of my lungs for the injustices, the lies, the deception that's all going on but what good will it do me? 

Looks like Revelation 13:1, only that beast had 7 heads and 10 horns and didn't have any wings.

This is the statue in front of the UN building. It looks like the Beast in Revelation 13:1, only that beast had 7 heads and 10 horns and no wings. But Daniel 7:2-4 talks about 4 beasts rising out of the sea. 'The first was like a lion and had eagles wings'. This is more like a Griffin, but it has the face of a lion, so what is it really supposed to represent. They said, "a guardian for international peace and security". I wonder if Obama commissioned it? He's most likely to be the one that did. I wonder if he thinks that his part in all this has given him position with the antichrist. He's in for a surprise. Just wondering...

Well, I've vented enough for today. If anyone's out there and read this, sorry for the depression, but we all have to get it out somehow. If you know Jesus, pray for me. If you don't, pray for yourself this prayer:

Father God,  I know I'm a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died a horrible death that paid the price for my sin. I repent and turn away from the sin in my life and trust Jesus to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I receive Your free gift of salvation. I am born again. I will confess with my mouth that I am saved. Please help any unbelief in me and show me how to live for You and with You. Show me how to have a relationship with Your Son, Jesus, through prayer, reading the Bible and finding Christians who walk with You for companionship and fellowship. Thank you for an eternal home with You..  In Jesus's Name, Amen.

If you prayed that pray... welcome to the family of God. It's not easy being a Christian. They all lied to me when I became one. They made it sound like it was a joy ride, but it's not. Satan knows if you have really given your life to Christ and He's not going to make it easy for you to follow Jesus. But, with God, all things are possible and greater is He that lives in you, than he that is in the world. Read your Bible (New King James Version or New Living Translation) are easier to understand and closest to the KJV. Talk to God all the time. He never leaves you and He'll never forsake you. He's always with you, no matter what. You'll also have angels assigned to you. Keep the faith and look up, for your redemption draws very, very close.

Here's the latest Flashpoint News if you want the truth:

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