Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Don't We Have a Right to Exist?


"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the  British Empire and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild

I just finished listening to Amanda Grace's latest prophetic video. She usually goes on after she's done with the actual prophecy, but today's talk was something I needed to hear. She talked about how many people found the Lord because of her husband's brain injury situation. Many see how he is with the animals they care for and how he presents himself in prayer publicly, even when he can't speak normally, showing his love for Jesus. She said she wouldn't trade any of it. Their love for the Lord allows God's glory to shine through their ministry for others. The love of Jesus shows through both of them in all they do.

Wow... it made me feel ashamed of my wussiness. But we are who we are and I've learned over the years that God loves me anyway. His love IS truly unconditional. God knows us all, individually. He knows every hair on our heads, and He loves us anyway. We have no reason not to forgive or to think that others have to be like us, because none of us are perfect or even close to being so. Jesus died on that cross for every single one of us and it was a free gift so that none could boast.

Of course, there are those, like George Soros, the Rothschild’s, the Rockefeller's, the Gate's, the Clinton's, Obama's, etc. who think they are better than everyone else. Were they taught to be that way? Maybe they aren't responsible for how they are. Were they brainwashed into thinking they were better than everyone else? The Bible says, "it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” But Jesus died for them too. Too bad they don't get saved. But then that would make this a perfect world.

What would it be like if all those Richie riches would spend their money on good things for humanity? If everyone really thought that we all have a right to exist and live our lives the way we wanted, but without bioweapons, people trying to depopulate the world or stealing, lying or crashing the economy of the best country in the world. Wow... we could probably achieve wondrous things like the show Star Trek: the Next Generation. We could travel the stars and go places where no man has gone before for real!  Not just Elon Musk or rich people like Jeff Bezos. It could be a world without poverty, without any needs, with the betterment of mankind as our goal. I think that's why I like that program and never get tired of watching it. If all people could work together, travel freely, be one great big happy family – yeah, a perfect world, right?

But that's not possible. Satan and his demons, 1/3 of the created angels, are proof that even when you're in the presence of perfection, love and beauty, that the pull of sin is so strong, they chose it over God. I wonder how long they lived with God before that happened? But God devised a plan for us to choose the sinful things of this world, if we want, but still be able to be forgiven for sin when we see and realize that it gets you nowhere and amounts to nothing, just like Ecclesiastes says: "vanity, vanity, all is vanity. Jesus came down to earth, through a virgin girl chosen by God, to willingly live among us, die a horrible death, so that we could be reconciled to God. And all of this was meticulously planned so long ago, way before the Illuminati, and has been carried out to the letter and still is, by the Creator of the Universe, so He could have a family.

There will still be people who will choose sin after the thousand year millennium!!! That boggles my mind. Jesus will reign at that time and we'll have a taste of what a perfect life will be like, and yet at the end of that time, people will still choose sin and be thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone forever.  Then it will be sealed up, never to be opened again. 

Then we start the perfect world that God had in mind from the very beginning. We 'do' have a right to exist!

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