Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Other Side of the Story

Wow, I did a devotion this morning that really hit home for me on the times we're in now. Hope this speaks to you as well.

In an address to the 1984 United States Olympic Team, President Ronald Reagan made this comment: “You above all people know that it is not just the will to win that counts, but the will to prepare to win.” Wherever there’s the potential for great gain, there’s usually the necessity for equal or greater sacrifice. Those who’ve excelled in their professions understand the relationship between accomplishment and sacrifice. Many believers are unaware of the fact that this same principle applies in the spiritual realm as well.

Jesus chose to communicate this important truth in a parable. Two men decided to build houses. One decided to take the easy way. He built his house on a river bank where the foundation would be easy to put in and materials were readily available. The other man chose the difficult task of hauling all of his building supplies to the top of a nearby mountain. Once there, it took him days just to put in a foundation.

From the outset of the parable, Jesus makes it clear who these two men represent. The first man represents that group of people who find the teachings of Christ too restrictive, too difficult to obey. The other builder represents those who are willing to pay the price of obedience. They are the few who are willing to put into “practice” what Jesus taught. (I'm seeing this all over within the church right now.)

For a while it looked as if the man on the mountain had worked extra hard for nothing. But then the clouds began to gather. And soon the wind began to blow. Before long, both houses were being battered by a great storm. It was then that the man on the mountain began to fully enjoy the benefits of his hard labor. At the same time, his friend down below was probably thinking, “If only I had …” but it was too late. And so it goes with those who can’t bring themselves to pay the price of obedience to Christ.

For many, freedom from sin involves pausing long enough to take the long look. What is it about following the truth that you find too difficult to practice? No doubt you have the will to endure the storms of life. But willpower isn’t enough. The real issue is, do you have the will to prepare for life’s storms? Do you have the trust you need in Jesus to listen to the 'other side of the story' and hear what you are afraid to hear. His message was clear: Obedience now ensures endurance and freedom later.

This is so good because it speaks to what we’re in right now. People think that by ignoring “the other side of the story”, that it’ll go away or not be right. They don’t want to look at it because it’s too hard to take, and they can’t believe that people they put their trust in (instead of the Lord) are doing the things that they are doing. But, like this devo says, we need to prepare for what’s coming, and do what’s necessary to fight the good fight. But if you’re not going to look at the truth, and allow that truth to set you free, to do what’s right in God’s eyes, you’re ignorant and it won’t help you when the real truth actually does come out and you’re blown away by it. The Bible says that ‘men’s heart will fail them’ because it’ll be to overwhelming to take all at once. If you’d have listened and “prepared” yourself for the inevitable, you’d have been able to handle what God wanted you to handle, not what you have to handle now because of all the wrong things you’ve done, thinking you were doing the right things. 

But I want to hug my children, I want to be able to travel, I can't afford to lose my job... all these things are things of the world. We should all be as Paul said, "to live is Christ, to die is gain." What are you hanging on to? Matthew 10:37-39 says:  "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake, will find it."  NOTHING should be before God in our lives. NOTHING! Don't be like Lot's wife, and look back, like you're missing something or you're not 'ready to go yet' 'cause you've got 'things to do yet'. It's not going to be worth it, for all eternity is at stake here!  Listen to the truth and let it set you free!

Here are some links for more information from "the OTHER side of the story". There are many more links to find the truth - God's truth, not the world's -  in the older blogs, so go back and check them out.

Biden declares war on America:  https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=613b129738fcb81903a0d327

The actual contents inside Pfizer vaccine exposed and why:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/bTLYHfDPMu6W/?fbclid=IwAR0Q-0Ft1BNaT3_zJSYH0tH1Zc59VRtNCiGGWOjeSuqoOd9VUToDbEIOLZU

I tried putting this on FB, but they wouldn't even allow it to go up... what a surprise. It was even on CNN! No global warming:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/395ppzy2kh4wd20/No%20Global%20Warming.mp4?dl=0

The best site for all true "other side of the story" information:  https://timetofreeamerica.com/

Talk about the media spreading lies... check this excerpt from a post by Anita Rivera, evangelist:  New York Post article on aliens already being here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/sd0jzzfltx6pa7f/12.5.20%20Aliens%20Really.mp4?dl=0

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