Monday, September 20, 2021

We need God's Peace

Peace, peace, wonderful peace… flowing down from the Father above… 🎶  Ah… I needed that yesterday. I woke up in fear. All the information that’s out there is putting people in a state of fear and hopelessness and I almost allowed that to happen.

Why? Well, I’m trying to keep up with all the Christian side of the news which gives us the hope and solutions to do something about what’s going on. I also have to be with the Lord each and every day and put on my armor in the mornings and trust God to protect my mind, my heart, my thoughts, my words and my world. But, when you listen to some of the stuff that’s out there, it creeps in and pushes the peace right out of you. It’s bizarre how that takes place too. I actually felt the peace leave! 

The enemy’s best weapon is deception and he’s a pro at it. He’s a liar and he IS EVIL! 

God gave us these bodies so that we can sin and yet have forgiveness because of what Jesus did on the cross. Satan was the most glorious angel and hovered over the throne of God, Himself and one day pride entered him and he proclaimed: “I will be like the Most High God!”  God said, “Nope, you’re not… and you’re outta here.” Then he kicked him out of heaven and 1/3 of the angels went with him. 

1/3 of the angels, who lived in the presence of God, Himself, for who knows how long, actually chose Satan over God. That is extremely hard for me to fathom. What could he have said to them that would cause them to leave heaven forever, knowing they could never come back… or did they know that?

Satan hates man because God made man to be able to sin and yet be forgiven. Satan doesn’t have that luxury. So… to keep from going to Hell forever, he is trying to win a war with God here, with us in the middle. Technology and the way things have been going in this day and age, is the perfect timing for the end days. The only thing that hasn’t taken place yet, is the 3rd building of the Holy temple. The Dome of the Rock is on that site and would probably have to be torn down to do that and the Arabs aren’t about to do that because it’s their holy place where, they claim, the dome covers a slab of stone sacred to both the Muslim and Jewish faiths. According to Jewish tradition, it was here that Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son, Isaac. Islamic tradition has the Prophet Muhammad ascending to heaven from this spot too.

Did you know the Romans occupied Jerusalem and Israel in the first century BC?  The Jews revolted against Roman Rule about 130 years later during what became known as the First Jewish Revolt.  In response, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple (70 AD).  Many Jews were slaughtered by the Romans and most left the country, but some Jews remained.  The Romans renamed Judea “Palaestina” in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land.  It was from that point forward the land became known as Palestine. 

I never knew that… but anyway, the 3rd building of the Temple (where the anti-christ will sit) has to be built, and that would be the 2nd half of the tribulation. 

There are a lot of Christians who don’t believe in the rapture anymore, but I do. My hope is that we will be outta here before the anti-christ shows his ugly face. He will deceive many and they will think he’s the returning Messiah. Our world is already so divided and so many are deceived right now. It IS as in the days of Noah.. so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. (Matt. 24:37-39)

But getting back to waking up in fear… I had to start praying for God’s peace to overcome the fear that was trying to take hold of me. I did and through the renewing of my mind by reading the Word, God’s peace came flooding back. The Lord is strengthening me in all this for a reason. I’m running for a political position in the Whitehall community but I’m no politician and never wanted to be. But, I want to do what the Lord is calling me to do and I’ll walk whichever way He wants me to. I’m not campaigning because if I win, then I’ll know without any doubt, He wanted me there. I have a friend who is running also and he’s the one who told me about the need for balance in this position, so he will be my mentor. But who knows why God wants this? I don’t. But I trust Him and in these last days, all I want is to do His will. To ‘know’ what’s going on behind the scenes and do what’s necessary without losing it, is also important and maybe that’s why God’s allowing me to hear all this stuff.

In the beginning last year, I had panic attacks because of it. But the more I get into His Word, listen to Christian news feeds and Christian teachings online, and pray, the more I trust that He will take care of me and my family. When I’m in that place… PEACE is there as well. Don't forget to put on your armor every morning!

It breaks my heart when people don’t want to hear or don’t believe any of the resources I provide, or think that I’m living in an alternate reality (which, I guess I am, honestly - all this sounds so bizarre and supernatural). But what hurts even more is knowing the facts about the stolen election and watching those treasonist criminals inhabiting the Whitehouse, not only running our country into the ground and wreaking havoc everywhere, but not being punished for their crimes. And nobody is doing anything about it. People are trying, but they won’t be heard and justice is not being served. Our Constitution is being violated left and right with no consequences whatsoever. I will NEVER understand that as long as I live. It’s mind boggling to me.

There's more and more information coming out about the vaccine, and people don’t want to hear it. I guess I do understand that. If you’ve taken the ‘jab’, I can see why you wouldn’t want to know. It’s horrific and within a 2 year period, a lot of people will die and nobody will know why. The next shot will be all about the OS that will track us and turn our currency into a one world digital currency and use the energy from human bodies to run the massive computers they’ll use to do all the computations necessary for total control of the population that will be left. See… I can hardly believe that and yet, it makes sense somehow. The technology is out there. Satan doesn't want to go to Hell. He wants to live through man, with the help of technology (transhumanism) so he can sin throughout all eternity without having to spend it in hellfire. I get that actually.

Satan is insane enough to think he can win and he will use anybody and do anything to accomplish this victory, BUT, he will NEVER win! That’s why everything is happening so fast. This all has to take place so our government can blow our economy, which they’ve already done, in order for the CCP to come in and take over ‘cause they’ll own us and it has to be before any 2024 election can stop all that. Honestly though, 2024 will be way too late for how fast they're moving right now. Even Elon Musk is trying to get out of this world! Probably to avoid Armageddon!

But, with one SHOUT! Jesus will stop it all!  We don't know what that’ll look like and let’s face it, most of the people on earth don’t even believe in the 2nd coming anyway, much less a rapture… but IT WILL HAPPEN!

So, if someday in the near future, I’m not here, I will have gone home to be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus. So don’t believe the stupid rumors of an alien ship coming down and taking all those that went up in the rapture. That isn’t where we will have gone. In the meantime, here are a few things you might be interested in if your tummy can take it. This guy has been doing what our government, Bill Gates and many others are doing now with this plandemic. Why would we think they can’t do it again, and again, and again… This is evil against God.

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