Saturday, September 18, 2021

What Do We Find Most Important in Life?

What we find most important, is what we are going to make time to do!  You usually have to fight with yourself to do things you really don’t want to do, even if you’re good at them or not. If you want to be healthier, and enjoy your old age, then control food portions and types of food, exercise, and do what’s good for the temple of the Holy Spirit. If you feel this is important, you’ll do what’s necessary to accomplish that. We all make time to do what we really want to do. 

What if we would spend more time with the Lord, in His Word, singing Christian music and filling our thoughts with things that are good, pure and lovely? 

I remember, when I was in the workforce, that I really needed that midweek church service. It gave me the spiritual “shot in the arm” that I needed for the rest of the week till I went to church again on Sunday. That really worked for me, and for many others as well. Look at the power that had.  

Just think what it would be like if you’d do that every single day and pray without ceasing all day long, carry God with you wherever you go or  whomever you are with, watch wholesome TV programs or don’t even listen to the news on a daily basis. Just think of the power you’d have, and the power God could use through you, if you did just those few things on a consistent basis? Imagine what God could do thru a whole army of people like that every day. That’s what this country needs right now… Christians focused on Him, not the worldly things.

“But I have kids and they need to this and that.” Do you really think God won’t work things out if you give it all to Him? Have you ever really tried to do that?

My Bible says that the government is on Jesus’s shoulders. I believe we were all brought up to believe the wrong thing. Separation of church and state should NEVER have been. We are not only to care about our political system, but should be active in it. It’s why America is in the state it's in. Not to mention that many Christians got away from what they’re really supposed to be focused on and turned to worldly things instead that take up all their time. Many Christians don’t even have the time to get involved in their churches, much less in hearing from the Lord.  

We've got to realize that 'life as we knew it' is never going to come back. Our world is changing - permanently.

We need to focus on the Lord - 24/7!  Here are some new links for current  news that will tell you ‘the other side of the story’ as Paul Harvey used to say:  -  this one has 4 videos, one right after the other. They are all mind blowing and need to be seen. They'll scare the pants off of you though.

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