Monday, July 5, 2021

What Do You Believe?

With everything going on in this world today, it’s hard not to get overwhelmed with all that you hear. If you listen to the ‘regular’ news media (CBS, NBC, ABC or Fox), you’ll hear many things that are mind-boggling, but much of it won’t make too much sense or ‘fall into place’ with anything else because they leave a lot out. If you listen to other sources of news (Victory Channel, Flashpoint News w/Gene Bailey, etc., or even prophets on YouTube), you’ll hear the same things, but with a Christian addition of facts that the mainstream media won’t be talking about. Why?

There are many natural disasters happening in our time, one after another, that never took place before, at least not all in the same time period, that make you scratch your head and go ‘hmmm’. Why?

Then, if you listen to the YouTube channels and find things from all walks of life telling you this and telling you that, WOW… what are they talking about? (Matthew 24:4-8) You don’t know who to believe or who to listen to. Why?

I could go on about a lot of things in this blog but it’s already been told, already been said and you are going to believe what you ‘want’ to believe whether what I say is true or false. We all do that to protect ourselves from things that we don’t want to face. It’s human nature. It’s survival mode.

If you want the latest Christian viewpoint, go here:  

All the places that JDFarag gets his information from can be seen when you click on the share icon. It’ll open a PDF file that has all that info for you to see and check out.

During 2020, at the start of the covid crap, I was experiencing a lot of panic attacks. I couldn’t understand why. I had nothing to fear, physically or mentally. I had started a new way of eating in November 2019, that was working simultaneously with everything else going on. I was losing a bit of weight, which was a good thing, but I wondered if that, plus the medication I was taking, might cause the attacks, so I stopped taking my type 2 diabetic meds. That didn’t work. I kept getting the attacks and even started counseling, which I’d never done in my life… that’s how scared I’d become. I sought other ways to calm myself down, like CBD oil, Calm (a carbonated magnesium powder), that actually calmed me down, and other things that would help calm my uncontrollable body during the episodes. Some would come in the middle of the night and wake me out of a sound sleep. It was very scary and befuddling. 

The counseling helped a lot, and I started putting what I learned into practice and it helped me more than having nothing in my arsenal of calming techniques. But, being a born again Christian, I, of course, was diving into the Bible, looking for all scriptures that would apply. I found a lot. Sometimes I’d go out on our deck and sit in the swing, rocking back and forth, crying out scripture while doubled over with fear. It would eventually subside, but I needed something that would attack this ‘before’ it began. But what?

I enlisted people to pray for me, and I knew they did, but one person was very concerned and he took it to the Lord differently. He began by declaring things that God told him to tell me. One day, during a service, he gave me one of his declarations and said, “God told me to tell you He’s healed this in you and you won’t be getting these anymore.” Of course, I said, “I’ll receive that!” But then something amazing happened later. On the way home, in my car, on a beautiful, sunny day, I felt like the weight of the world fell off my shoulders and I knew, I just ‘knew’ in the deepest part of me, that what he had said, was true! I really believed it in that moment. That’s as close to describing faith as I can get. I’ve experienced faith moments before and wonderful things happened every time, but it’s hard to tell someone ‘how to do it’. You can’t. Those moments come from God, but they also have a source. The Bible!  

God ‘tells’ us to ‘speak His Word from our mouths. That’s declaring His Word. We should also pray His Word. Those are prayers He will answer, according to His Word. He has to do them. He promised. His Word is true and it WILL come to pass. All of it!

I’m retired, so I have a lot of time to get into the Word. I also renewed a prayer life that had slipped away. I spent many hours a day in the Bible (renewing my mind). I completely stopped watching the mainstream news media. I believed God instead of the world and He was telling me a lot of things that didn’t go along with all the horror that I saw happening to my beloved America.

At the same time all this was happening to me, my sister and her son, who dabbles in Bible coding, were telling me things that were going to happen and that already had happened and were taking place, right now, in our society. I couldn’t handle it! At all! I would go home crying and a few times I determined to break away from them as family and never talk to them again. I couldn’t handle what they were telling me. 

But God is always faithful. AND, He knows me (us) and knows what and how we need to be approached with truths that really do ‘set us free’. “My people perish for a lack of knowledge,” (Hosea 4:6). And He opened my eyes to things I’d seen here and there that made me curious now about them because of what she and her son were telling me. I looked into them, which led me to other things, all pointing to what they were saying was actually TRUE! What? I was shocked. But it gradually opened my eyes to the truth, and that truth has set me free. PTL!

I used to think that I couldn't care less about whether I lived or died. If you read my book, God Uses Wusses, on Amazon, you’ll see that my life was kinda weird. I never liked life… even the good things never lasted, and it always went back to crap. But I have since found out that I’m like everyone else, especially being closer to the end of my journey than most. I am afraid of dying… not so much the dying itself, but the ‘how’. So I started talking to God about that and asking Him to give me wisdom and understanding about it, and He again, He was faithful… He did show me. I’m still not looking forward to it, but I’m good with it ‘cause I know where I’m going and Whom I’m going to be with!  

It made me wonder how so many Christians don’t really believe what’s going on right now. And for those who do, how many of them have dropped beliefs they grew up with to turn to things they can probably handle better in the flesh, rather than believing all the supernatural things of God. Why? That’s something each individual would have to answer for themselves, but, if we’ve grown up reading the Bible, we know what it says and how it’s all supposed to end (or should I say begin?), and yet, when it’s actually happening, we don’t want to look at it because of fear. 

Fear is the culprit. It’s also the thing that the ‘powers that be’ use to control not only us, but the entire world. Do I believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast. No. But I believe it’s a precursor to what the mark is going to be. Even now, they’re threatening people who won’t take the vaccine with many things so they can fearfully break them down. I never thought I’d ever see this day! They’re offering money, having contests and giving the promise of health care for people to take this vaccine. It’s bizarre! People are being corralled into taking this vaccine. Why?

There are so many answers to that, but the key thing is to get all of us under control so they (the powers that be) can start the One World Order. Yes… but it’s not a fight against flesh and blood. It’s a fight of God against satan. It’s a spiritual battle that has us in the middle. We’re the pawns. And what the enemy knows, but is trying to change, is that God wins! Satan wants to use trans-humanism to extend his life and the life of all who follow him, on this planet, so he can continue living against the will of God, instead of being thrown into the pit of fire and brimstone forever. He knows that’s his destiny, but He doesn’t want to go there! No kidding. Would you? I know I don’t want to. So this is his plan. Sort of sounds like Star Trek and the Borg, lol.

But guess what? He loses! God will win! His plans are being carried out and what His Word, the Bible, says, is coming to pass and nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop it from happening. Not his unbelief, nor yours, nor mine, nor anything under heaven and earth or the universe, can stop God’s plan from taking place. Praise the Lord! God wins! And guess what? He included His followers in the win too! We win! “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1Cor. 2:9)

So, who you gonna believe? The mainstream media, or God, the creator of it all? “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” (Joshua 24:15)

Here’s access to a clip of testimonies of 4 doctors that were at the Tampa, FLA conference in June. It’s very encouraging and freeing:

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