Thursday, June 17, 2021

Anal, Nit Picker?

I’ve been accused of being an anal, nit picker by my sister. I have tinnitus and when people send me those ridiculous memes that dance and move weird, it’s annoying, which causes stress in my system, which ups the noise volume in the tinnitus district. But she thinks that’s fun so she continues to send them. I told her I didn’t like them and she didn’t have to waste her time sending them along with her messages. I told her I blocked them (actually, I didn't because you can't do that, but I though it would make her stop doing it - yeah right.)  She immediately had to send me another one.  Rebellious spirit or just plain don’t care about someone's feelings or wishes? I don’t know anymore, but then she called me an anal nit picker. 

I thought about it for awhile and today realized, that it may be true. Why? Because I’m 71, going on 72 years old and guess what? When you get old, you become an anal, nit picker, because you have to!  As we age, we tend to do things the same way so we remember things. We have to develop ways of remembering where we put things, or what we were doing when we walked into that room, or were we putting on our shoes or taking them off? It sounds funny sometimes and people make a big joke about it, but it’s really not funny at all. It’s very annoying and can be a constant source, and IS a constant source of frustration throughout every single day of our life as our short term memory slips away or at best, gets the best of us. Getting into old age ruts is something that happens to every old person in order to survive old age. I am, unfortunately, in that category, so yes, I'm an anal, nit picker.

Along with all that, our physical issues add to all that frustration. Tinnitus keeps me awake many times, and is triggered by many things. Which also means, I don’t get enough sleep often and have to fight being cranky (anal, nit picking). Right now, I would LOVE to move away from the suburbs and get a tiny house on a small piece of property where I can see the stars when the night sky shows itself in all its glory. I want to get away from all the noise and light pollution and it really is a physical thing as well as a mental thing. But my other half hates change. (Ha ha… he better get used to it ‘cause everything's changing!)

The world we live in right now is a huge challenge for me anymore and as much as I’d like to see it change, I know what the Bible says. It has to go this way. God’s got a plan and His plans will be carried out whether we like it or not. Yes, He may have mercy… and if people humble themselves, repent and pray, He will heal our land and America can be a source of help for Israel and lead many into the Kingdom of God, before the end actually does come. God IS a God of mercy and grace and would most definitely do that (remember Jonah?). People are coming to the Lord left and right out in California under the tents and outdoor meetings Pastor Mario Murilllo is holding out there. 

Whether a person is a Christian or not, doesn’t matter anymore. If we want this country to survive, everyone has to jump on the Christian bandwagon. God created America for Himself. It’s supposed to be a country that leads by example. A country that spreads the Word of God and the works of God all around the world. Other countries are praying for us and looking towards us to see what is going to happen with us. Why? Because if a country who is supposed to be One Nation Under God can’t do it; who can?

America has a lot of enemies and they’re all led by one being: Satan! He, of course, uses his demons to do his bidding, but he’s got a lot of help, including a lot of Christians, because they can’t see beyond their own nose that God chooses things that will baffle men’s minds to do His will. They go and choose to vote in a president that opens abortion clinics all over the world and uses our tax dollars to support them. They voted in an infestation that hates Christianity and God and is selling us ‘down the river’ to the Chinese Communist Party. Then they put out a virus to see how easy it is to bring an entire world to it’s knees, crouching in fear, and begging to get a vaccination that’s also killing thousands of people right now. They’re holding lotteries and giving cash bonuses if you get this vaccine and yet, Christians can’t even see that for what it is! I've never seen a “so called” antidote vaccine that's being pushed as hard as this one. Coupled with the ones coming down the pike, this infestation in the Whitehouse is planning on depopulating the world. Bill Gates is a huge advocate of that platform.

If Christians can’t see; how do we expect others to see? The persecution in China against Christianity is hitting and all time high and yet it isn’t stopping the Christians there. We have a FREE country right now and most of us just want to settle back into what the ‘norm’ was before covid began. The Chinese Communist Party is buying up property in the US like it’s going out of style and nobody seems to care. What’s wrong with this picture???

The truth is coming out slowly. God rarely does things fast. In this case, fast would probably be devastating to those who simply don’t want to see the truth, because it’s going to be ugly. People will NOT want to believe and may even still not believe what they are eventually going to be shown about a lot of people they looked up too, believed were wonderful people and even worse, actually what they are doing. But it needs to be done. We need to open our eyes to the truth and let it set us free. This country needs to get back to its Christian roots. People need to see that there is only one God, one Savior (Jesus) and one plan, the Bible, that is going to be - “so let it be written; so let it be done” (Ten Commandments).  

We also have to stop listening to the ‘sold out’ mainstream news. They are liars and don't let you know the whole truth. Listen to Flashpoint or some kind of christian news that will tell you the truth from a Christian perspective. The regular media doesn’t want to tell anyone anything good that’s happening on that home-front.

This anal, nit picker is recommending the links below for up to date information on what God is doing in America:

The main Flashpoint channel is:   They’re on every Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm. 

Also, for election fraud facts:

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