Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Is Faith Enough?

Well, it looks like Google is blocking the link to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich video, but you can click on it on my Facebook page and it comes up there. It's a FB vid, so I don't get that, but I also don't get that Zuckerberg doesn't even think himself human anymore. He recently said during a public speech, "I WAS human". That comment is in the Stop World Control link, but I watched the video where he said that and it wasn't like they (people who grab things to hype it all up) are saying. He just came out with a stupid glitch and corrected it right away. I don't like the guy and think he's on the wrong side, but none of us are perfect and God loves him too.

I watched a Pure Flix movie called An Interview With God. David Strathairn (A League of Their Own, We Are Marshall), and Hill Harper (The Good Doctor), were in it, so the acting was decent, but the end of it was disappointing. I looked up what the meaning was supposed to be about ‘cause from the movie, it was not evident at all. It was supposed to be that faith was not enough. The critic that wrote the review obviously doesn’t know the Lord and thinks that all religions and gods should be included in heaven. No concept of anything. And it left a creepy feeling in my gut. A sad, hopeless type of feeling ‘cause His coming will be as in the days of Noah. People marrying, partying, everyone ignoring the obvious calamity coming. And how many got out then? 

People don’t want to believe, yet we’ve all been given ‘a measure’ of faith. What we do with that is up to us. Also, faith without works is dead. Saying you have faith, but doing nothing about whatever you’re going thru, is no works. So I guess this movie was about faith isn’t enough. We need to put ‘our money where our mouth is’ and do something on the faith we claim we have. 

God’s shaking up the world right now and the enemy is scrambling to do all things possible to keep his timetable going. But it’s not his timetable and that’s his main problem. But the unbelief of the masses is making everything a lot worse. It shows how much we’ve gotten away from walking with God and believing everything in the Bible. Now that we’ve come to the time we’re in, nobody wants to believe in the real supernaturalism of it all. Jesus returning, antichrist sitting where he doesn’t belong, prophets talking about what’s going to come, people in high places and with lots of money, worshipping Baal and using children as ritualistic objects, not to mention the slaughter of unborn babies. I never figured that would even be in the equation, but the enemy has succeeded in killing millions of babies without lifting a finger, except thru the unbelief and acceptance of evil in our society. The scripture about good is evil and evil is good is happening right now and people don’t want to look at it. The Bible is real and most of it we don’t really understand. People spend years refuting what’s in it and christians believe it.

We are in the end days. Other times have been horrid like this, like Hitler and the mass execution of Jews, but all the things in the Bible regarding the end, have happened except the rebuilding of the temple and the Palestinians have given Israel the authority to build it. If that isn’t end times stuff, I don’t know what is.

Is faith enough. There are many people praying, coming to the Lord, moving on behalf of things that need to be done to gain control again of our country. Faith with works honors God and He is moving. Will this end be the end? I doubt it, but it could certainly give more time for more people to be saved and time for prodigals to open their eyes and ears and let the truth set them free again.

Here's a report that is super encouraging. Eyes are being opened, people are seeing and realizing what's been going on all along and they're doing something about it. Crimes against humanity, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich says:             https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=117764203889592&id=114155167583829

Want to know all that's going on? Here's site that has it all in a nutshell and it's all true: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/vacnwo/?fbclid=IwAR3YHrGfcrilHYdBtbosIN7o0FbauQcZXMwc2hr_MLlX_9n8xCbbyiqDhao

Elijah Stream with Clay Clarke: https://rumble.com/embed/vgvu7b/?pub=4

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