Tuesday, August 3, 2021

What's the Genuine Hope and True Wonder of These Last Days?

What is the genuine hope and true wonder of these last days? Why did the prophets of old WANT to be alive during these times?

It HAS to be the rapture! The rapture is the only thing that will get you from point A (here in this body) to point B (into the presence of God) in an instant. Without dying! Enoch and Elijah can verify that, lol. Unfortunately, they’re not here in body, they are present with the Lord, so “rapture” is possible.

It’s almost like sleep. Sleep is a wonderful thing. It takes you to a world of dreams; it restores your body, it’s peaceful and when you wake up, you’re renewed and ready to go thru another day. But you’re alive during both things: sleeping and waking. 

I know… there are those who would argue about nightmares, etc., but I’m talking about what sleep is supposed to be to us. A renewing, peaceful, restful time for our bodies that opens to a restoration of the body into another new day to rejoice in the Lord and be glad that He gave you life. It’s a new chance to serve Him in the life He gave you. 

Well, what’s more wonderful than going from life to perfect life? You are here, serving God, doing what you can to help others, praying for those who need Jesus, or need healing, believing His Word at every turn and then… BAM… you are in His presence!

Of course, death takes you there too, but not without a lot of issues like pain, fear, doctors, and a myriad of emotional thoughts that plague you as you go thru the dying experience. 

There are Christians who don’t believe in the rapture anymore. I wonder why? Probably because it’s been said that it’s coming for so long, they just gave up believing it even exists or it sounds too fantastic to grasp hold of when you look at all the chaos that’s going on in this world today. Throughout time there are good times in this world and then there are the times you wish you could just escape from. Unfortunately, those times (to me) are more constant than the good times because man, himself, is trying to control life, as though he’s God. But it never works. All man’s efforts to control life in order to live in this sinful existence forever will fail. Why?

Because God did not intend for us to live in these bodies forever. This is not eternity. God’s plan for these bodies is for us to experience all the temptations that could lure us away from wanting to be with God forever. What? That makes little sense. 

It does when you realize that Lucifer, the most glorious creature that was ever created was given the position of hovering over the throne of God, Himself, decided that he wanted to be worshipped like God. He saw God being worshipped continually and it must have been an incredible thing because he realized, at one point, that he wanted to be like the Most High God. God, of course, said no and kicked him out of heaven along with ⅓ of the angels that God created. Yes! Angels that God created, who “saw” the glory of God and all the goodness right there, actually chose sin and death. Satan’s power of deception is very good. I think we can all attest to that. But that’s all he’s good at. He’s a cowardly, uncreative, insane, controlling, evil being that thinks he’ll live for all eternity as a transhuman and not have to go to Hell. Guess what? He’s wrong. God’s plan WILL be carried out. 

What’s my point? 

Even tho we may have to go thru trials, and maybe even some of this tribulation, God has it all under control. Whatever each of us has to go thru, God has already made provision for because He knows what every one of us needs. He LOVES us! He truly does. I can testify to that repeatedly, even (usually after) a trial of my own. I’m a Gideon. My book, God Uses Wusses, shows much evidence to the fact that I should’ve been dead a long time ago. God gave me that title and I used it against the advice of many people because GOD gave it to me. And, He gave us all a hope! The Rapture. I believe it’s going to be soon. Those of us who believe that should really be in His service during these times because NO ONE knows the day or the hour, except God, Himself. I look forward to it. I relish being in His presence in the blink of an eye and not having to die, just like Enoch and Elijah. For to me, as Paul once said and wrote: “to live is Christ, to die is gain”. I don’t live for this life anymore. It was never meant to be forever. I ache for those who think it is. They will be sorely shocked when they see the truth… but that truth can set them free as well. 

So.. DON’T GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER! God isn’t finished yet, and He has your back. He’s coming soon and it won’t be a second too late. And once again I’ll say it, even if you don’t go in the rapture, all of us have a set time for these bodies to go back where they came from, but our saved Spirit will be with the Lord, FOREVER!!!

Here are a couple links that will lift the spirits of those who are waiting for people to wake up. I hope they bless you as they blessed me.

Ted Cruz speaks in the Senate against Pelosi and mask mandates and the vaccines:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0d4mtaDSho

Virologist Li-Meng Yan who worked in the top virology lab in the world and is a virologist, herself and tried to blow the whistle on covid in 2020 (I heard her then, but nobody would listen) is blowing the whistle now:  https://www.facebook.com/faith143/videos/10222451726473702

Madam Speaker, you are not God!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcjoxEZ2qqc

And don’t forget the Cyber Symposium which will reveal ALL about the stolen election and the fraud that goes with it: https://home.frankspeech.com

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