Monday, June 14, 2021

Is Worry a Form of Worship? I don't think so...

There’s so much encouragement in Psalm 91. I used to read this in bed before I fell asleep (actually to help me fall asleep) when we lived in our 1st house in Allentown. It was in a rough neighborhood and it was not unusual to hear gunshots outside every now and then. Psalm 91 became a favorite 'go to' Bible reading for me in those days. It comforted me and restored my trust in a God that is everywhere at once and can take care of me in any situation. But, I read a devotional today that was taught by a woman with an obvious struggle of her own. She said that "worry is a form of worship"... I was floored. How can anyone say that worry (fear, stress and anxiety) are a form of worship? Being a teacher of and publicly teaching something that's not in the Word, is wrong. People trust that these teachers know what they're talking about. Unfortunately, we have to put on our armor so the arrows of the enemy don't get caught in our minds because we're trusting in a fallible human being. We need to be like the Bereans, in Acts 17, to search the scriptures so we can know what is true or not.

I immediately looked in the Bible and actually didn't find anything that 'said' worry is a sin, altho people teach that too. But worry is a sign that you are not trusting Jesus for your life and that fear, anxiety, stress and everything else you can’t believe God for, is causing havoc in your life. This is a deception that satan uses... a lot of truth with a little lie, but that little lie can take you on a journey that will cripple you spiritually and physically, until you do it God's way. Worry is NOT a form of worship. 

People take the Word and twist it to suit their own needs, shortcomings, failures and weaknesses. Only by looking at yourself, in all honesty and accepting responsibility for your weaknesses, can you then read the Word, renew your mind in His Word, and then let the truth set you free. 

We’ve all missed the mark!

But lying to ourselves so we don’t have to look at what we should be doing, according to His Word, doesn’t help. Repent, accept His forgiveness, start reading the Word more, and move on ahead, praying and doing what He guides you to do from His Word. Twisting it so you can feel justified in not disciplining yourself 'cause that's too hard, isn't going to change what the Word says. But the enemy can then get a foothold in your life that will drag you down and ruin what God wants to do in your life, so you can be used for His glory. Don't let that lie and satan's trap pull you in. 

Being a Christian is probably the hardest thing I've ever done in my life... but, I praise the Lord He never gave up on me and He ain't gonna give up on you either!  Trust Him!  He loves you more than anyone else ever could and will continue to show You the way, but you have to be willing to go there.

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