These verses are why I’m married to my husband. It’s a long story so I won’t go into it, but my scripture John 6:5: Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where can we buy bread, that these people may eat?” This was the story of the feeding of 5,000 people (more actually, cause they didn’t count women and children back then). Jesus wanted to see what their answer would be. Would they count on Him or would they try the physical method of providing the need? They chose the latter, as most of us do.
Notice that little pronoun We…
As the Lord stood face to face with the large crowd of hungry people, He might
have said to His disciples, “What are you going to do?” But instead of that, He
identified Himself with them and said, “How shall we do it?” That is still the
way Jesus does things. He knows the needs of men in this world, but He calls us
into fellowship with Himself and respect to them, saying, “This is a matter for
us together. I am the Vine, you are the branches.”
While He talked about buying
bread, He already knew what He was going to do, but He spoke of maybe buying it
to see what they’d come up with. Would they turn to Him in faith, or begin to
try and meet the need according to their own ways and ideas? In most cases, that’s
what man would choose – his ways, his ideas. When we’re tested, we take out our
computers and begin to find out what our resources are. The disciples did that
when they said, “Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not enough to feed every
person to even take a little!”
Then Andrew remembered seeing a
small boy with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish, and mentioned it saying, “But
what’s that among so many?”
Hello! Jesus is here! The Son of God! He can take
the poorest and simplest things and make miraculous use of them for His Glory
and the blessing of men!
It’s unbelievable what Jesus
will do with our lives, if we only put them in His hands. If you don’t have
anything great to offer Him, you can bring the special power of doing one thing
best, which every person possesses, and He will use you to arrange the people
in orderly ranks to carry the Gospel message, offering it without money or
I’ve been
listening to some very encouraging prophetic words lately and seeing things
that are happening that most people don’t even know about lately. These people
don’t have any way of knowing when these things are going to take place, so
they always end with, “These things must take place before this is all over, so
TRUST THE PLAN.” It’s comforting to me
to see those words because I know for a fact, by walking with God for over 40 years,
that He NEVER works according to MY timetable – NEVER! But, He’s never late
either. As human beings, living in this physical world, we can get used to
pretty much anything! I’ve seen things that humans have adapted to that I can’t
imagine ever being able to in a million years. Look at the Chinese! They number
in the millions and yet they are ruled by communism, controlling every aspect
of their lives, by a few thousand rulers and maybe a few more thousand
military. They could overrun their government in a few days if they all banned
together and just took their country back, but will they? No. They’ve gotten
used to living that way.
North Korea
is worse. They live under the rule of a maniacal family who, at the tiniest
feeling being hurt or disappointed, will kill anyone who is responsible for it.
They are ruled by incredible fear of this maniac, but they have gotten used to
it. What they do to appease him is ridiculous, but it’s the way they’ve
developed over the years.
And look at
America. At one time, life was a precious thing to be protected and defended.
But when Norma McCorvey became pregnant a 3rd time, she wanted an
abortion. She adopted her first two out. She had no desire to have kids. She
claimed herself to be a lesbian, but went ‘both’ ways. Instead of “getting her
tubes tied” or taking birth control, she just got pregnant and ended up in a
court case that people ‘used’ to get abortions to become legal. She claimed
that she never even read the document they made her sign to go into that fight.
She didn’t care one way or another about abortion or any women’s rights. They used her case to make a federal law
legal to kill unborn children, paid by our tax dollars and using “it’s a
constitutional right” to get it legalized. It’s not, nor ever has been a
constitutional right. How they twisted that is beyond me, but I have a copy of
our constitution and there is nothing in there that makes killing an unborn or
born child, constitutional! Her deathbed confession is here in her own
That was in
1973. Forty-nine years later, our
country has gotten so used to sacrificing unborn lives that they’ve made it
legal to kill a child at nine months by sucking the brains out of it before it’s
completely exhumed from the body of its mother. Now some states even kill a
baby, by allowing it to just die without feeding it, if the woman changes her
mind about being its mother. What has happened to us?
I’ll tell
you. We’ve gotten so used to killing the unborn that we don’t even think it’s
wrong anymore. We’ve become desensitized. That’s how you adapt to things. Along
the way you find ways how or make up reasons to make it look like this is how
it has to be. It becomes right instead of wrong and people learn to live with
it. What’s the alternative anyway? Death! God forbid. We need to survive! But
what about that person inside someone’s womb? They are human from the time of
conception. That person has a spirit from the time it’s conceived. Yeah, they
are cells at first, but there’s a spirit in that cell and it’s a person and it
will live forever. The only good thing there is that an aborted fetus or cell,
will immediately be with God from the very start and won’t have to go through this
life at all. They’ll never be touched by evil or sin. They will be perfect from
day one. PTL!
forgotten that this life was never meant to be forever. This life is supposed
to be centered around the Creator of the Universe, who gave up His only Son to
die for our sins so that we could be reconciled to Him for ALL ETERNITY. ALL
ETERNITY!!! This life will NEVER be forever. I don’t even care if you turn us
all into Borg! That’s still part human and it will not survive forever. Now here’s a sci-fi story for you:
The ruler of this world knows that he’s condemned to live in a place
called Hell, forever. He doesn’t want to go there. “Been there; done that!” So
he starts formulating a way to be able to get his spiritual body into this
world, (the Cern Collider is supposed to open other dimensions) get the people
of this world to go along with him by promising them eternal life here and
riches too, and then getting the masses to a controllable level so that he can
use them and their offspring (DNA changed to match his, of course) as body
parts for as long as he wants to remain alive. If he can do that, he’s licked
the consequences of having to spend all eternity burning and being tormented in
the fiery pits of Hell, where nothing quenches your thirst and you’re
constantly reminded of why you got there in the first place. HA! He foiled the
Creator, whom he hates, by the way. Plus, he’s gotten the people of this
material world to worship him as God, which is what he wanted from the start.
That story
should sound familiar. It’s happening
now! It’s happened in the past too, but now is the only time in history because
of the technology available, of being able to be fulfilled. He’s pulling out
all the stops to keep people in fear, depopulate this world and turn us into
transhumans to meet his needs physically. But, oh no, he’ll be foiled again,
because God has a plan, and had it from the beginning of time. And it WILL be carried out! God always wins. He created everything and none of his creations are strong enough, smart enough or in any way
able to defeat Him or His plans. NONE and NOTHING! It was finished when satan blew it by
thinking he killed Jesus on the cross, when that’s exactly what had to happen, so Jesus’s Spirit could go down to
Hell, take back the keys of Hell and Death, defeating Lucifer once and for all
and making him a totally defeated foe! Then He rose from the dead 3 days later
and walked among us for 40 days before going to be on the right hand of God the
Father till He comes back again, as Conqueror this time. The only power satan
has left is the power to deceive and even then, we have to give him permission.
He can’t just take you over. You have to allow it. But you can make that go
away too by doing this:
Do you know Jesus? You can. If you know you’re
a sinner, you need a savior. Jesus died for YOU, so say this prayer:
Dear God… I come to you in prayer asking for forgiveness of
my sins. I believe that Jesus is Your Son, and He died on a cross so I could be
forgiven, have eternal life and be reconciled to You. Father, I believe that Jesus rose from the
dead and I ask right now for Him to come into my life and be my personal Lord
and Savior. I will turn away from my old sinful ways and worship you the rest
of my life. Your Word is truth so I will confess with my mouth that I am Born
Again and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Now go and tell someone that you’re SAVED. It
makes it more real to you and besides, you’re the only one who can tell your
story and bring others to the saving grace of what He did on the cross. Welcome
to the family of God!
Don't forget the non-mainstream media news feeds that will not only tell you the whole truth, but will also tell you what Christians and Patriots are doing to change things and bring justice to what's already been done in our country. Here are some and what they are:
News Show:
News Show:
Julie Green:
Prophet Amanda Grace:
World Order:
Great Reset Agenda in
7 min:
Owens Documentary “The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd and the Rise of
Global Warming:
Paul: One World Order meeting: https://youtu.bGe/KknfRwyckpM
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