Monday, July 11, 2022

Damned if You Do; Damned if You Don't

Sometimes no matter what you do, you're wrong in someone's eyes. I just recently put an article on a website I do referencing America and the Revolutionary War. I also had an article on Roe v Wade which included a picture of Kronos holding a baby. Kronos is another name for Satan and the baby represents his favorite form of sacrifice. I was told by people that I grew up with to take the Revolutionary War article down because they wanted nothing political on it. I thought the Roe v Wade article would be the one that caused issues, but the American Revolutionary War? What’s wrong with that?

I’ve also been at odds with a long standing relationship that has been falling apart for years, but I thought this time it would be healed and we could go back to reconciliation, but they took comments I made in response to a post they wanted me to read, as though I were attacking them, when the words and phrases they pointed out, were about ME!  I don’t even know why they would think that it was about them, but they did and now that relationship is pretty well over.

The only good thing that came out of that one was that I didn’t get angry about it. I was so dumbfounded by what they said that I just answered, “Wow…”  That was all I could get out. I didn’t know what else to say. I finally realized that this relationship was never going to be healed in this lifetime. Too much judgement, too much hurt, too much incompatibility that’s developed over many years has ruined it beyond repair.

So much of what is going on in our world has torn many people, businesses, institutions, governments, and especially families apart. So many people have lost loved ones that will affect them for the rest of their lives because of ‘how’ they were taken. So many people are living in fear and don’t have any hope for any type of normalcy in life anymore.

The things we’re facing and are going through aren’t political, or militant or even about power hungry elites trying to take over the world. It’s all about spirituality. It’s all about God vs. Satan. It’s a battle of good vs. evil. It’s the time prior to the tribulation that will end this life and world as we know it. The only people who can see that though, are born again Christians who have a personal relationship with the living God. Everyone else, whether they are Patriots, or simply good people still knowing right from wrong, doesn’t get that and don’t want to either because that’s “religion” to them. And that’s a bad word. It’s something they don’t understand, so they just don’t want anything to do with it, but it’s still a separation. It’s a separation of God’s people (and we’re ALL God’s people) being divided into 2 groups – God’s Ekklesia (true followers) and those who don’t follow Him. There are only two choices.

We’re all going to stand before God someday. That day will be when the body you’re in stops working (when you die), or those that truly follow Jesus are taken out of this world in what is called the Rapture of the Church. Those left behind will say they were taken by aliens. In a way, they’ll be right because God sure isn’t of this world. But at the end of the tribulation, the rest will stand before Him and in an instant, their lives will be shown to them. If they’ve accepted Jesus during that time, they will be with Him forever. If they didn’t and continue to reject the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, they won’t.

That is what all this is about in simple terms. It doesn’t matter who you are, how important or rich or famous you were or who you married or what type of job you had, or how ‘good’ a person you were. The only thing that will matter when you stand before God, Himself, will be one thing and one thing only. Did you know Jesus? Did you accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior? You won’t have any little voice whispering in your inner ear saying, “Hey, you were okay. You did what you thought was right. Satan won’t be there to help you make excuses. You’ll be standing in front of the Creator of the Universe and His Holiness will envelope you as though you were in a bubble. It’ll be you and Him.  You will KNOW without a shadow of doubt what you are, and what you deserve for all eternity. But when that final judgement is made, you will NEVER have another chance to change your mind. There will be no more time to decide, no more time to go back and make things right. It will be finished!

The time for that decision is NOW! That’s what this life is all about and what it’s for. But you can know Jesus now. You can be one of God’s chosen followers. All you have to do is say this prayer and mean it.

Dear God… I come to you in prayer asking for forgiveness of my sins. I believe that Jesus is Your Son, and He died on a cross so I could be forgiven, have eternal life and be reconciled to You.  Father, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask right now for Him to come into my life and be my personal Lord and Savior. I will turn away from my old sinful ways and worship you the rest of my life. Your Word is truth so I will confess with my mouth that I am Born Again and cleansed by the blood of true Lamb, Jesus. Thank you Lord for the gift of eternal life with You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

God knows your heart. And if you aren’t sure just cry out and say “God, show me who You are! Show me you’re real. Help my unbelief. He will. He really wants you to know Him. He loves you more than you could ever know.

Now go and tell someone that you’re SAVED. It makes it more real to you and besides, you’re the only one who can tell your story and bring others to the saving grace of what He did on the cross. Welcome to the family of God!

Don't forget the non-mainstream media news feeds that will not only tell you the whole truth, but will also tell you what Christians and Patriots are doing to change things and bring justice to what's already been done in our country. Here are some and what they are: 

Christian News Show:

Christian News Show:

Reawaken America:

Prophet Julie Green:

Prophet Amanda Grace:

One World Order:

Great Reset Agenda in 7 min:

Candace Owens Documentary “The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM”:

No Global Warming:

Rand Paul: One World Order meeting:  https://youtu.bGe/KknfRwyckpM





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