There is so much lawlessness in the world today and because of technology, we know everything that happens everywhere. It’s right in our face, day and night. Matthew 24 is all about the end times – the times we’re in right now. Verse 12 says: “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”
Lawlessness is sin. The world is steeped in it. In Matthew 24:5 & 6, Jesus tells us that, “Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” That is happening ‘right now’, right now! Some people get frustrated with the Bible because they don’t or can’t understand it, but this chapter is happening right now! That’s incredible when you really wrap your head around it. Wow! Like Manuel Johnson says, “These are Glory days, not Gloomy days.” I can’t be as enthusiastic as he is unfortunately, but it’s nice that we have some people like that to lift us up when we need it, lol.
But my point is… there is so much chaos, sin, lawlessness, and horror, that people don’t even know or want to know about, that has been going on for a long time now, that it’s overwhelming for the average person. What can we do about it? I’m one of those. I would love to make everything right and better, but as I look, read, pray about and think about all the atrocities that are abounding everywhere right now, I think… Lord! What in the world can I do about any of it?
What if all those kids that are supposed to be in prisons everywhere, including underground, get released? Where will they go? Will they even be able to handle a normal life? Are they even in a right mind at this state? What about when Roe vs. Wade gets overturned? What are ‘they’ going to do with all those unwanted babies? Why don’t women who don’t want children take some sort of birth control instead of killing a human being? They’ve justified murder by saying “I have a right to do whatever I want with my own body!” What about that babies body? But again, where will all those unwanted babies go?
The love of many will grow cold because we have no idea how to handle all this chaos! The government is planning all these sudden mass shootings so they will make us so sick of them, we’ll all beg the government to ‘take the guns’ out of the hands of everyone. But that’s not going to work, nor is it going to happen. If every person in China had a gun, there would be no CCP (Chinese Communist Party) over there. There are so many people over there that the government wouldn’t be able to control them if they were allowed to defend themselves. That’s why our government is trying to change the 2nd Amendment and why Biden is always saying that “Amendments aren’t forever, you know”. He wants us to get so sick of shooting deaths that we’ll scream for the guns to be taken. But the criminals will still have them. And they’re the same criminals they’re inciting to do these crimes now so they can get the guns.
The love of many will grow cold… How can we deal with all of this? We can’t. It was never meant to be this way. We can’t handle this kind of thing… none of us can. We want to, but we can’t. So we turn ourselves off to all of it so we can feel better, deal with our own lives, and make the best of what we’ve got. We forgot that God is in control. We forgot that prayer does get answered – maybe not in the way or time table we want, but God is working on all of it. We forgot that when we hear these things, we can unite and get together and pray for all of it. “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
This has all happened before. Jewish people used to burn their own children as a sacrifice to Molech (another word for satan, in Jeremiah 7). It’s not different from what we’re doing today with abortion or sex trafficking and rituals the satanists are doing. And God destroyed many of them. He will do it again. Unfortunately, we’re the ones living in it right now.
They say there are over 40 million people that are sold into sex slavery every year! That’s an abomination. The evil that it takes to do that is complete. By that I mean, if you’re evil enough to do the things that are being done in the satanic cults, you are already possessed by demons. So, you’re on your way to eternal hell, and well you should be. But God, the only true God, is LOVE. He waits so that many will turn, repent and come back to Him. He loves us so much! We will NEVER truly understand the LOVE that God does have for us. Tears are welling up within me as I’m typing this because it never ceases to amaze me at the incredible LOVE that God has for each and every one of us.
I was talking to Him this morning as these thoughts were going through my mind and saying, “Lord, You’re the only one who has the space, the LOVE, the time, the way and the means to take care of each and every one of the aborted babies, the babies that haven’t been aborted yet, the released captives that are being set free and those that simply have no place to go. It’s going to have to be Your problem. You’re the one who has to take them HOME. You want a family – well, there You are. You have a huge family already. Now take us HOME too!” He said, “The love of many will grow cold.” I thought, “Is that what’s happened to me? Am I one of those that has grown cold because I have no idea what to do about all this?” I really had to ask for forgiveness for that. That's what prompted me to do this blog today.
We need to come together – all of us who call ourselves Christians, and pray for all of this. Ignoring it, running away from it, is not the answer. No, personally or physically, we can’t do much about it, but we ‘can’ pray about it. We can cry together, pray together, and console one another with God’s Word always before us. It’s time to realize that life is no longer going to be ‘normal’. Jesus is coming back and we must be looking up, being about the Father’s business and being ready for the day when “31He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 40Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.” (Matthew 24:31, 40, 41)
Do you know Jesus? You can. If you know you’re a sinner by default and need a savior, say this prayer:
Dear God… I come to you in prayer asking for forgiveness of my sins. I believe that Jesus is Your Son, and He died on a cross so I could be forgiven, have eternal life and be reconciled to You. Father, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask right now for Him to come into my life and be my personal Lord and Savior. I will turn away from my old sinful ways and worship you the rest of my life. Your Word is truth so I will confess with my mouth that I am Born Again and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Now go and tell someone that you’re SAVED. It makes it more real to you and besides, you’re the only one who can tell your story and bring others to the saving grace of what He did on the cross. Welcome to the family of God!
Don't forget the non-mainstream media news feeds that will not only tell you the whole truth, but will also tell you what Christians and Patriots are doing to change things and bring justice to what's already been done in our country. Here are some and what they are:
Pearson Sharp of OANN on facts of what's currently happening, awesome:
Christian News Show:
Christian News Show:
Reawaken America:
Prophetess Julie Green:
Prophetess Amanda Grace:
One World Order:
Great Reset Agenda in 7 min:
Candace Owens Documentary “The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM”:
No Global Warming:
Rand Paul: One World Order meeting: https://youtu.bGe/KknfRwyckpM
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