Friday, May 27, 2022

The Stuff I've Seen Can't Be Unseen

 Some of the things I’ve been seeing, can’t be unseen, or erased from my mental imagery. I’ve allowed myself to dive into some of the most morbid recesses that are possible on this planet and I’m sorry I did. It didn’t take much for me to realize that the atrocities that are running rampant on this planet, in my opinion, make it unreasonable to even think it’s worth saving. It would irrefutably and unquestionably make America the Mystery Babylon.

Anyone who’s been involved in ANY of what’s going on behind closed, locked and hidden doors will NEVER be forgiven because they are already demon possessed. It’s horrifying to think that people are actually capable of doing such shocking, nauseating, stomach-turning things. That’s why I believe they would have to be demon possessed or they wouldn’t and couldn’t partake of those rituals. It would take having a conscience to turn away from what they’ve done, so they definitely don’t have one of those anymore. (And even as they did not want God anymore, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do all kinds of vile behavior. Romans 1:28) I wouldn’t even be able to share any of what I’ve seen with people who want to know the truth about what’s really going on in this world and what their ultimate plans are.

I am, however, choosing… and I say choosing, because after what I’ve seen, I was ready to give up on all prophets who are proclaiming good things God’s going to be doing. I was on the brink of just diving into my Bible, praying, sleeping, eating if necessary, but doing one thing and one thing only, waiting for the Lord to take me home… whichever way suited Him, I didn’t care. But prophetess Julie Green had a message today that spoke directly to me about how I was feeling, so I listened to her words again, and asked God to forgive me for almost giving up and believing that the enemy had won. So I’m climbing on the Lord’s bandwagon again and doing what He’s given me to do, blog about this and put it online for anyone who wants to know, and believing that He’s going to use it.

My advice is to listen to Julie yourself. Her words from God are super encouraging and she has a post almost every day. What she’s saying is that something good is going to be happening soon, maybe even in June. I believe it has to happen very soon because if the ‘powers that be’ flip that switch of handing us over to the W.H.O. and the one world banking system, America is finished. Our current administration is going to be shown for what it really is… very soon, PTL!  God is moving all across the world with natural disasters that are happening, people that are being rescued from horrific things, and people who’ve been working in the background preparing for such a time as this, with the help and guidance of Almighty God, Himself!

Never, and I mean NEVER, take God out of the equation! He is the one doing it all. With all that is going on in our country and the world, ONLY GOD could undo it. Man has no power over the things that are taking place and no power to break the supernatural power behind all the barbaric, vicious cruelties that are taking place right now and sadly, have been going on for centuries. Make no mistake… we ARE in the last days of life as we know it. The Lord’s return is imminent, without a shadow of doubt. 

Do you know Jesus?  If you don’t, I recommend you remedy that situation. Your spirit is going to live forever and there are only two places to choose from. I’ll say it again…

WE ARE HERE FOR ONE REASON, AND ONE REASON ONLY! To choose where we want to reside for all eternity. Every person ever born, living now or being born in the future, has a spirit and that spirit will go somewhere when their body dies. You don’t have a choice in that matter. But you do have a choice as to where!

Jesus died for ALL of us. If He would have had to die for each one of us separately, He would have. But, He didn’t have to. So He died once, for ALL!  He suffered to the highest degree so that we would not have to pay the price for our sin. He did it all for LOVE! God is love, but He can’t be in the presence of sin. That’s why He made this plan… to put us in bodies that have free will to do whatever we want, but still be able to be forgiven while still in these bodies. Satan, the most beautiful of all God’s created beings, and 1/3 of the angels that left heaven with him when he got kicked out of heaven for declaring that “he would be like the Most High God”, was created, not born. He was spirit already and had the most honorable job of all the created beings. He hovered over the throne of God. We don’t know how long they existed before all that happened, but they had already been in Glory and yet chose sin over that. They can no longer go back. They are condemned to Hell forever. Every thing, spiritually, that God created will live on. It has to. If any spirit were somehow annihilated, the universe wouldn’t work right. All the parts have to be ‘somewhere’. I believe that’s why God made Hell… so that someday, when His plan is completed, all the evil will reside, locked up forever, but still be somewhere, so His universe can go on complete… every action will still have a reaction. But it won’t have to wreck the eternal plan of God’s family ever again. I believe God gave me that revelation. I’m not that smart.

It’s like when He showed me He created evil… Isaiah 45:7 says, “I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create evil; I, the Lord, do all these things.”  He ‘had’ to create it for all things to have an equal and opposite reaction, but also because… if evil created itself, it would be as strong as or stronger than God and that could never be. God is greater than anything and NOTHING is greater or impossible for Him! NOTHING! Not even evil!

I would never have shared that before because people would’ve treated me less than what they already treated me like. I was never put in charge of anything because of how I acted. People thought I was incapable of being in charge of anything because they couldn’t see past my naïve personality. It’s how God made me and that was for a purpose. I still don’t know that purpose, but I still trust that there’s a reason and a reason why He didn’t take that out of me.

But I do know that we ALL need Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. I was given a great gift when I got saved. The wisdom and knowledge to know that ANYTHING I did good was done by God, not me. I can take no credit for any good after I was saved because “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)  I cannot and will not take credit for ANYTHING good or impressive that I do or can do because I KNOW that it comes from God, Himself. And when I give Him the credit, He is pleased with that and does even more good things for me that I don’t even ask for. You can’t out give God.

So if you don’t know Jesus, here’s how you can. True Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus. Yes, you can KNOW Jesus in this life! We are sinners from birth, yes, from birth, and we need a Savior. If you know you’re a sinner and need Jesus, say this prayer:

Dear God… I don’t know why I do some of the things I do, even when I don’t want to do them, but I do know that this life is more than I can handle on my own. You died horribly on a cross so that I could be made right with God, the Father, and I believe that. I ask for forgiveness from all my sin, and for You to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. Take my life and show me how I can be more like Your Son, Jesus. Teach me Your ways so I can have a personal relationship with You through Jesus. Thank You for Your gift of salvation. I receive it and look forward to a new life with You, in Jesus’s Name… Amen.

Now go and tell someone that you’re SAVED. It makes it more real to you and besides, you’re the only one who can tell your story and bring others to the saving grace of what He did on that cross. Welcome to the family of God!

Don't forget the non-main stream media news feeds that will not only tell you the whole truth, but will also tell you what Christians and Patriots are doing to change things and bring justice to what's already been done:

Reawaken America:                                                                            Prophet Julie Green:

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