Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Global Reset

Well, I think I'm done with the Catholic thing for now. That religion should have been banished and done away with a long time ago. Check out information on Vigano... that is more current and points out that they are still doing things they ought not be doing.

But this piece I found online was a comment on The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab. I'm posting it because I couldn't have said it any better than the guy who wrote it... GRLopez... whoever he is, he's definitely got a handle on all that's going on. Here it is:

Comment on Klaus Schwab's book, Covid-19: The Great Reset:  by GRLopez on 8/21/21

This is my opinion and a WARNING: I think every human being who thinks for him/herself and wants the truth should read this book. I apologize in advance.

It is difficult, I admit. No, not the reason you think. I would place it at a current 7th grade reading level. Even the economic jargon is juvenile.

It is difficult because if you have red blood running through your veins, it should boil.

This is the future and we do not have much recourse.

An international elite group of a few wealthy globalists are preparing their utopian one world oligarch at the expense of human lives and livelihoods, and they do not want our input. They will be our new overlords, and we will comply or be cancelled. They have control of all the international institutions that influence the nations' healthcare, banks, trade, money, and economies, and they have the blueprint to make one government over all the people. All they need now is complete compliance of all governments and the technology to begin total surveillance of everyone.

The authors of this essay tell readers that Covid will hardly leave a dent, but it was the catalyst they wanted to begin the Great Reset. In other words, Covid, or coronavirus, DID NOT disrupt society as they claim. The Great Reset has been in the works for years, and yet they wrote it as if they had a year or more to observe and investigate real outcomes; but one can see right through that.

The real driving force behind the change is the environment, or climate change, and they have convinced many that it is the most dire issue, though there are others like social issues, worker protection plans, and control of human consumption.

From now on, if businesses, companies, industries, or corporations are not woke enough or cannot demonstrate that they are compliant with the sustainable development goals that the global cabal sets, they will be cancelled. The global government will also scrutinize individual personal behaviors. If you don't change your bad habits, you, too, can and will be cancelled.

This is not a conspiracy theory; but it is a conspiracy, and we are part of it, though not by choice. Do you want to live in a world where you have no voice, opinion, value, choice, or recourse to protect yourself from tyrannical intrusion - no individual purpose?

They want to micromanage your life and your health, limit what goods you may purchase and foods you may eat, determine where you live and prevent you from traveling far from home. You probably won't own a car or a house, as that will be reserved for the elite. And with technology, they want to observe everything you do and where you go, as well as track how you feel, what you think, and how you react to your inner most private emotions.

That's mental illness right there.

The global elite want to institute their own religious utopia. They hate God, the Creator, but they want to be God and is why they desire to read your heart and mind, and why they want to legislate morality, like fairness, kindness, and equity. Forget any future dreams you or your children have because personal interests are too self-centered, and they want all to consider a "common good" approach to life.

They may give the impression that they care about people, especially the downtrodden, but don't be fooled. They don't genuinely give a crap about George Floyd or society's so-called victims. It's all a facade. If anything, these are the most racist, prejudiced, heartless individuals pushing the GR.

One thing about tyrannical commie/socialists is that they really suck in economics. At some point, they will run out of resources, finances, and other people's money after utterly destroying billions of lives and mismanaging the world. No one will be able to work except in a few preserved sectors like technology, healthcare, and synthetic food development. Everything will fail because man cannot micromanage billions of people and their local communities and economies. Yet the establishment is so far removed from reality because they live in a fantasy elite world apart from the rest of us.

There is a timeline for a full completion of the Reset: 2030, though sooner, they desire, which is why they want the COVID FEAR & COMPLIANCE EXERCISE to LINGER for YEARS. They never let a good crisis go to waste!

The Great Reset is a wicked, evil, selfish, self-centered, vile idea, and I hope God has immediate plans for those involved because it is going to be almost impossible for us to stop them. The world's corrupt governments and corporations and industries are so entangled with these global institutions. They are literally handing over the reins to these godless elite. It will take an act of God to turn their schemes on their heads. Then again, God could use it to bring about the One World Government that they are salivating over, and He will use it to bring about His judgment on them.

I definitely look forward that.

P.S. If you don't know Christ, He is not a tyrannical overload like these men and women want to be, implementing their wicked science and technology on the people. God gives you total freedom to be personally responsible with the life He gave to you; you don't need man to legislate your morality. Just repent of your sinfulness and turn to Him. He will make you whole and liberate you.

God put Freedom on our hearts, which is why America was founded on liberty. The GR is the opposite of God, which is why they desire to dissolve personal liberty and freedom forever.

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