Now Martin Luther comes into the picture and through a series of events, ends up in an Augustinian monastery to get a Doctorate in Theology. But the longer he studied, the more troubled he became. He couldn’t figure out how a man could find favor with God. Further disillusioned by a visit to Rome, Habakkuk 2:4, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith”, became his life text and on October 31,1517, Luther nails his 95 theses to the door at Wittenberg College. On June 15, 1520, Pope Leo X issued Exsurge Domini, a papal bull that charged Luther with 41 instances of deviation from the teaching and practice of the church and ordered him to recant within 60 days or suffer excommunication. Luther burned it publicly and the Reformation was born.
A hearing
before a tribunal called the Diet of Worms in 1521, Charles V, Emperor of “the
Holy Roman Empire” (Germany, Spain, Netherlands and Austria) summoned Luther to
appear. Luther would not recant his
theses and was branded a heretic.
The Centuries of Wars Began
- The war on the German Protestants (1566-1609)
- War on Protestants of Netherlands (1566-1609)
- Huguenot Wars in France (1572 -1598)
- Philip’s attempt against England (1588)
- Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
these wars were started by Roman Catholic Kings urged on by the Pope and
Jesuits for the purpose of crushing Protestantism. The thousands killed at the
hands of the Caesars of Pagan Rome are dwarfed by the millions killed at the
hands of the Vatican.
The Reformation Popes
Julius II (1503-1513) was called the Warrior Pope. The richest of the cardinals with vast income from numerous bishops and church estates. He bought the Papacy. He attained and personally led vast armies and issued indulgences for money.
Leo X (1513-1521) was Pope when Luther started the Protestant Reformation. He was made an Archbishop at 8, a Cardinal at 13, and was appointed to 27 different church offices, which meant vast income, before he was 13. He appointed Cardinals as young as 7 years old. He maintained the most luxurious and licentious court in Europe. This voluptuary reaffirmed the Unam Sanctam, in which it is declared that every human being must be subject to the Roman Pontiff for salvation. He issued indulgences for stipulated fees and declared the burning of heretics a divine appointment.
Adrian VI (1522-1523)
Paul III (1534-1549) had many illegitimate children. As a determined enemy of the Protestants, he offered Charles V an army to exterminate them.
Rome’s answer to the Lutheran secession was the Inquisition under the leadership of the Jesuits, an order founded by Ignatius Loyola, a Spaniard, on the principle of absolute and unconditional obedience to the Pope, having its object the recovery of territory lost to Protestants and Muslims and the conquest of the entire heathen world for the Roman Catholic Church. Their supreme aim was the destruction of heresy - that is, thinking anything different from what the Pope said or thought. For this accomplishment anything was justifiable, even deception, immorality, vice, and murder.
In France they were responsible for St. Bartholomew’s Massacre, where Catherine de Medici, mother of the King, an ardent Romanist and willing tool of the Pope, gave the order. On the night of August 24, 1572, 70,000 Huguenots were massacred. There was great rejoicing in Rome. There was also the persecution of the Huguenots, revocation of the Toleration Edict, and the French Revolution. In Spain, Netherlands, South Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Poland, and other countries, they led in the massacre of untold multitudes, and thus saved the Papacy from ruin.
I’ll stop here for today. I can only take so much of this historical garbage and I’m sure, if anyone is reading this, they’d be a little bit sick in their gut about now. Here is an interesting link: - this movie is into a lot of fraud going on right in front of our eyes. Look at 29:00 timeframe for beginning of Part 2, which shows the evidence. Timeframe: 37:30 shows a hearing on fraud with Bobby Pitton talking. Timeframe 42:00 starts Joe Oltmann, founder of FEC United and his discovery of Eric Coomer.
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