Tuesday, November 30, 2021

America is in Big Trouble

We are in a great deal of trouble. Why?  Because all the filthy rich people in the world have chosen this time to screw the world up, and the United States is the main country to ruin or they can’t go forward with their satanic plans. Yes, I said satanic. Why are they doing this? Power! Control! And most of them actually think they are God. They have the right to choose who lives and who dies and they can use whatever means available to depopulate the world. Why would they want to do that? So the remaining resources could be used for their purposes, not the purposes of a bunch of people they don’t even think belongs here anymore. Who are they? The sick, the elderly, the physically and mentally handicapped and probably certain races too. These people have been planning this for a very long time. America got its freedom in 1776 and the Illuminati was formed in that same year by a man named Adam Weishaupt. It’s funny too; that when you look his name up it says he was the founder of a short-lived, secret society. That’s a laugh! Not only is it still in existence today, but it’s the organization that all of the richest people in the world are part of, along with Freemasonry (or Satanism). Yes, there it is again. Oh, didn’t you know that Satanism is going to be the one world religion? Well, it is. And Pope Francis can’t wait to meet the anti-christ.  

This country is being run by an illegal regime. They stole the election in 2020 and got away with it. Many people don’t even believe that it was stolen, even though the evidence is there. Then why can’t we do something about it? I have no idea, but it seems to be dependent upon whether it can be put before the Supreme Court or not.  And for some reason, they’re not taking the case. They won’t even look at it. If that stolen election cannot be proven legally, some say this country is finished. But when you think about that… it means that something that man does will be the salvation point  😬   I don't think God wants that.               

The current administration is draining us dry. They are spending money we don’t even have so that our economy will be so damaged, it will be no problem for them to move into a one world monetary system that will make it look like they saved the day. But, not only is that not true, but it will be the end of life as we knew it. We won’t own anything; but we’ll be happy, says Klaus Schwab.

And now, another “so-called” virus is about to come out – Omicron variant.  It’s just another way to keep people living in fear so they can continue their conquest. There are still people who think they are getting covid yet and that’s a bunch of bunk. They got a cold or maybe even the flu, but that’s about it. Unfortunately, everyone is so used to being diagnosed with covid, nothing else exists anymore.  But hospitals, again, owned by the rich, are told to do just that. Keep the people believing there is still a pandemic. Unbelievable…

I don’t wonder why this new plandemic is coming out of Africa, since Fauci and his hellish crew have been experimenting on those poor people for quite a while now. If they don’t face a firing squad in this lifetime, I guarantee their eternal torment in Hell, which is exactly where they all belong. Of course, they believe they’ll be rewarded and will be living transhumanly when all is said and done. What they don’t realize is Satan has no respect for anyone and when he’s done using them for his purposes; he will discard them as easily as he discards everything and everyone. He’s insane and has one purpose and one purpose only… to hurt God and take God’s place as the Supreme Being. HA! That is NOT going to happen. As much as I hate to see anything resembling victory on his part, God knows what’s happening and isn’t surprised by any of what he’s doing. God has always had a plan and it will be carried out, be successful and life, as He planned it from the beginning, will convene on schedule, according to His timetable, not ours.

There will be a very short time that Satan will think he’s won and achieved his ultimate goal. That will be when he sits in the temple in Jerusalem and declares himself God. It’s then the Jewish nation will see that they missed it all along. They will realize who he really is, but he will be demanding they bow before him and if they don’t, they will die. Those of us who still believe in the rapture of the church will be gone by then, PTL! But that time in the history of earth will be the worst time ever. Nobody can even imagine what it will be like. The things that will take place and were seen prophetically years ago, are going to be more frightening than any of us could ever imagine. But they will take place.

Our country has been slipping away bit by bit for years now. I’ve seen it coming, but had no idea what I could do about it. Laws being passed in the middle of the night without any of us having any say in the matter. Education systems putting out twisted ways of looking at things, teaching our kids that socialism is a good way to go and now teaching our kids that homosexuality is okay and racism is  white people’s fault… it’s truly wicked but it’s our fault in the long run.

We allowed ourselves to be taught that separation of church and state was right. WRONG! That was  one of many stupid things we did. Now everyone is scrambling to fix that, but… is it too late?  We took prayer out of schools and nobody did anything about it. We okayed the murder of unborn children… and people thought that was a good thing. I did. I was taught that it wasn’t even a baby. It was a blob of cells stuck to the wall of the uterus. Scrap it off and you’re not pregnant anymore. No sweat… you just go about your business. Slap $500 into the hands of the hangman doctor you went to and go back to work.

We are wasting valuable resources on technology, sending people into space, stupid phones, computers, cars, boats and many more things that are sucking our planet dry. We’ve gotten carried away with way too many things that aren’t even worth it. The things that could be used for something good, are being used for evil. And now people are abandoning God for a chance at eternal life thru robots – transhumanism – spare parts. The rich want a race of slaves so they can get a body part when needed. They’re doing that in China right now.

There are a lot of people who just want to live their lives in peace. They want to go to work, be with their families, have nice vacations and just have a happy life. But there’s always someone, and it’s usually the leaders of countries, that want to be the boss and boom – war, death, greed, power – all take over. This, of course, all stems from the evil in the world that has had the same agenda from the time of Adam and Eve. But we don’t want to look at that, do we? Why? Because we all have to face the fact that we are all making our own choice as to what we really want and what that means.

God gave everyone freedom to choose what they want in their life. But, the choices you make will also determine “where” you will live for eternity as well. That’s what they don’t want. They don’t want to have to live in hell for all eternity for choosing something that goes against what God wants. Why doesn’t God just make us be good and do what He wants us to do? Because He wants us to choose Him because we love Him. He wants us to want to be with Him. God already created a whole race of angels and 1/3 of them chose Satan and followed Him when he got thrown out of heaven. God wants a family and He wants them to want Him. This is all eternity we’re talking about. He wants to make sure that the people that choose Him, really love Him. He made a way for that to be possible – Jesus.  He willingly died for each and every one of us, so that we would have a way of forgiveness. Satan was a created being, so were the angels. They didn’t have that choice. They’d already been with the Creator from the beginning. They knew Him and yet, chose sin and death.

Let’s get back to basics. Let’s allow a loving God to show us the way. He wants to more than we could ever imagine.

Here are some good videos to check out. The 1st one is a man who knows what communism looks like, Gary Kah. He's wrote a book in 1992 called Enroute to Global Occupation. It's all about what's happening now:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/4m85hehbt2unryg/BitChute%20One%20World%20vid%20w.Gary%20Kah.mp4?dl=0

The 2nd video is an interview with Dr. Robert Malone who discovered in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection and invented the mRNA platform technology while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. He is thus, the father of the modern mRNA vaccine technology, and he has spoken out against its recent misuse in the COVID-19 pandemic.


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