Thursday, September 2, 2021

Wake up America!!!

It poured yesterday. All leftover rain from Hurricane Ida. We now have lakefront property. 

Wow… there is so much going on out there, it’s hard to keep track and to get the information out as well. I'm joining a phone call with President Trump and the National Faith Advisory Board. Look at this picture. 

It brought tears to my eyes and a new beat to my gut heart. This is what we need America. A president that loves the Lord, prays and wants to go back to our Christian roots!

I’ve been praying for days now for the people who are stranded in Afghanistan. I posted a Dutch Sheets, Give Him 15 from 9/1/21. He was so grieved because of all that’s taken place due to the infestation in our American capital. This is getting ridiculous! That administration needs to be booted out, arrested and charged for treason. All the proof has been found out and Trump not only won the election, but by a landslide. We all knew it, but it will be shown pretty soon. It’s heartbreaking what’s going on in this country, but even more so, how many people don't even care. 

The Lord is separating the ‘wheat from the tares’ and it isn’t a pretty picture at all. The prophets are all saying the same thing too. That means that the Lord is going to do something about all of this pretty soon. I can’t wait!

I do believe we are in the last days, but the enemy is trying everything he can to make what he wants to happen (a One World Government, One World Religion, One World Monetary system and everyone, including the Jewish people, worshiping him) when he sits in the place he shouldn't be in… the Temple in Jerusalem. He’s ahead of his time and Trump was put in place because he was the only one who had the ‘orbs’ and the skills to do what needed to be done. People hate him for no reason at all. But that was because God hardened their hearts. Nothing is done that isn’t known by the Father. It’s frustrating sometimes, especially when you can see something nobody else seems to be able to see, but later on, you see why. 

So many hidden secrets and horrible things are going to be exposed and are being exposed and none of that would've taken place without the election fraud and the idiots in the Whitehouse doing what they do… horrible and stupid things… for everyone to finally open their eyes and see all of it for what it is. 

The mainstream media (CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, etc) are all bought out by big business. They tell you what ‘they’ want you to know and nothing else. They also lie like a ‘rug’. But people will listen because they’re programmed to listen and believe that these organizations and reporters would never lie to them. Well, they are. There are Christian based news feeds that will also tell you - like Paul Harvey used to say - the ‘other’ side of the story - and what Christians are doing and how some things are being turned around. 

But the main thing that has to happen in our country is to go back to its Christian roots and heritage. We need to remember that freedom comes at a great price! And we are paying that price now because we didn’t keep up with what we were supposed to be doing - in government, in the church and in our own personal lives. Repentance is the word for today! The last great awakening is already in progress and will spread world wide, with or without a free America! God is not going to have His plans changed or thwarted by anyone or anything!  Jesus IS coming back! In Glory, on a horse and ready for battle! Are you looking up in anticipation of that day? I am. If you’re not, pray, repent, make Jesus Lord of your life. It’s not too late.

Here are the latest links:

Victory News AM:

Karen Kingston on covid:

It’s a Woke World After All - ex Disney employee who wants to blow some whistles of his own on what Disney is all about now:

Covid facts:

Religious Exemptions for Vaccines (masks & tests):

Dr. Ling-Meng Yan who worked in the top virology lab in the world and is a virologist, herself and tried to blow the whistle on covid in 2020 (I heard her then, but nobody would listen) is blowing the whistle yet again:

Flashpoint, Christian News and info you can trust:

Reawaken America Michigan tour, day 1:

Information about the stolen election results:

Ted Cruz speaks in the Senate against Pelosi and mask mandates and the vaccines:

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