Thursday, September 9, 2021

Lord, help us through this time!

I'm in a Bible study called Spirit, Soul and Body by Andrew Wommack.  It talks about the gift of faith and how that is used to get us saved. As I was reading, I believe the Lord spoke to me about the 'measure of faith' He gave each one of us and then the story of the Tower of Babel jumped in. Here's what I got from that...

You already have God’s supernatural faith whether you’re born again or not. In Romans 12:3 it says, "For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned." We've all been given a measure of faith. That's faith works, whether you're a Christian or not. If you believe something, it can come to pass, Christian or not.

Maybe that’s why God confounded the languages at the Tower of Babel, because He knew they’d be able to do anything if they would be united and work together because they had the measure of faith He gave everyone.  

In Genesis 11:4 it says that the people started to build a tower up to the heavens to make a name for themselves so ‘they would not be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth’.  Duh... they already knew (prophetically?) that they were going to be scattered.  God gave them a measure of faith so they put it to work. But God knew that if they continued this way (verse 6) "nothing they proposed to do would be withheld from them."  

I think that says quite clearly, that united you stand, divided you fall; and if you work together toward a common goal, you can do anything (with the measure of faith you’ve been given). So God confounded the languages to separate them. God does not want World Peace or world unity.  It's a dangerous thing in the hands of people who want to control everything.. don't you think so?

Look what the enemy is doing right now. Trying to get EVERYONE on the same page so that they can control the world and the population. They have to come together and be united to be able to do that. I think satan’s been doing that ever since the confounding of languages, in Iraq, at the Tower of Babel.  Is it a coincidence that the Taliban is overtaking Afghanistan right now (not only for the natural minerals underground) but they're right next to China, who's buying up land in this country like it's going out of style, not to mention that's where the Wuhan virus came from. Plus, Irag is only one small country away. Biblically it’s all to coincidental to be coincidental.

A friend of mine, who I didn't even know was enlightened, sent me an email to send to others with an urgency saying, "Lord, help us through this time!"  It was a timely email because of the backlash I've been getting from people regarding the stuff I've been trying to get them to read and listen to. The information is out there. It's up to you whether you want to read, believe and use it. I'm just called to present it. But I was getting discouraged thinking, what's the point Lord? Nobody cares or even wants to know the truth... then I got her email. PTL! People are waking up, thank God!

Here another link she sent me and it is good, titled: Former Pfizer VP Warns Booster Shot Is an Extermination Weapon to Mass Murder Human Beings.  

Here's the link:


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