Friday, May 28, 2021

YouVersion Devotional - so great

“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”

“The crucifixion was the shocking answer to the prayer that God’s kingdom would come on earth as in heaven. It was the ultimate exodus event through which the tyrant was defeated, God’s people were set free and given their fresh vocation, and God’s presence was established in their midst in a completely new way.”      ~~ N.T. Wright

Rebellion isn’t the end of our story. From the beginning, God has promised redemption.

God picked a specific family to become a set-apart nation that would bring salvation to the world. Salvation has a name.  JESUS!

Jesus was not what anyone expected. What people expected was a conquering king with an army of soldiers!  What they got was a traveling rabbi with 12 disciples. This unexpected Jewish rabbi did what no one could have guessed. He altered history, transformed lives and changed the world.

He wasn’t what anyone expected, but He was what everyone needed.

We rebelled against God, and Jesus came to redeem us - to cure us of our sin and make us right with God so that we could once again fulfill the purpose that Godcreated us for.

Jesus came with a clear message. A message that the time had come for prophecies to be fulfilled and promises to be kept. The message that God wasn’t done with His ‘good’ creation. That God hadn’t abandoned humanity.

Jesus introduced an entirely ‘new’ way of being human. A new way of connecting with God. A new way of living. No longer defined by the rules and regulations of the past, but defined by a true relationship with God.

He healed the sick, helped the lame walk, gave sight to the blind, and forgave sins. He announced that God’s Kingdom was being established on Earth as it is in Heaven, and He invited everyone to come and be a part. He started a movement that gained momentum.

He disrupted the existing powers of the world - and they didn’t appreciate it. So they came us with a plan to have Him killed. Not just any kind of death either. Death on a Roman cross. Crucifixion - a humiliating way to die. A death that was meant to send a message. The message that Jesus was a fraud, full of empty promises.

Jesus’ death did send a message, but it wasn’t the message they inteded. Because Jesus wasn’t what they expected.

What was the message that Jesus’ death sent?  Our God is a very different king. Other kings would send their people to die for them - our King went to die for us!

An even louder message was sent a few days later, when the tomb they buried Jesus in was found empty. The news broke out that Jesus wasn’t dead and in fact He had conquered death and was alive again!

That message has been ringing loud and clear for the last 2,000 years. In fact, we celebrate it every year. At Easter!

We rebelled against God, but Jesus redeemed us on that cross!

“For I the Lord do not change; therefore, you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.” Malachi 3:6 (ESV)

God, you have never changed. You’ve remained the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank You for Your plan! Thank You for not changing and remaining true, steadfast and determined to carry out the plan You created from the beginning. A plan for a family that would choose You… that would not leave, like ⅓ of the angels left when pride entered into Lucifer. You knew You had to do something that would create a way, a method that would ensure a permanence from each individual that they would stay and remain Your family for all eternity. That’s what this life is all about. That’s why we have to endure what we have to while we’re here. Thank You Lord, for making a way for us, for all that to happen. Thank You for persevering through all that Satan has made mankind throw at You - for all the sin many have chosen instead of You. I can’t fathom what all that means or how You even wanted to continue Your plan for us. How many times was Your heart broken, especially when You had to allow Your PERFECT SON to be beaten beyond recognition and left hanging on a cross to be mocked, spit on, stripped and humiliated past anything anyone can even comprehend. I’m so sorry Father…. I’m so sorry, but I thank You for what You’ve suffered to be able to prepare us to be with You forever, and ever, and ever.  In Jesus' name... Amen

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