Tuesday, May 25, 2021

World Peace

Why am I naming this world peace? Because I’m doing the Bible Project video devo on Ephesians and he’s talking about how God wants world peace - UNDER JESUS - that’s the difference and main point! Everybody thinks that we’re supposed to have world peace here on this earth in these flesh bodies… NOPE! 

Why do you think God did what He did at Babel? (Genesis 11:1-9)  They were building a huge structure so that they could get up into the sky and then kill God. There are legends or maybe it’s out of the books that God didn’t choose to go into the Bible, but I read that they were trying to get high enough so they could shoot arrows at God and kill Him. They wanted to do things their own way. 

God put us in these bodies for one reason - to choose where you want to live for all eternity. All the other stuff is for training and also our pleasure. Yes. God wants us to enjoy life and have pleasure - in a Godly manner. But this is NOT the life that we need to be hanging on to. It’s not the life that we’re going to live with Him, in UNIVERSAL peace, for all eternity. We need to realize that this life is temporary. 

“Oh, I haven’t done everything that I wanted to do in this life. I’m not ready for Jesus to come back!” 

Yes, I’ve heard people say that. Guess what?  1John 2:15 says:  “Don’t love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”  Things that make you go hmmm…

We’ve got to realize that these bodies are flesh and blood. They will NOT enter into the next life. They were meant for us so we could be forgiven for our sins. Unlike the angels who followed Lucifer out of heaven when Pride entered in, we can be forgiven; they can’t. These bodies were meant for disposal, not permanent habitation. Our spirits can’t wait to get out of them. All pain will be gone. No more sorrow; no more tears. No more sickness or death. It’ll be swallowed up in life - the life Jesus offers by the blood He shed on the cross. Wow!

So be encouraged, not discouraged, that Jesus may be coming back in our time. It’s where we should ALL want to be - not here.

It’s said that Satan wants to use robotics as a form of transhumanism. He KNOWS his end is Hell - hot, death, torment, for all eternity. He doesn’t even want to go there. But it’s been prepared for him and for all who follow him. He’s been mad at God ever since He created us because He knows that we’re going to be eternally with God, and he can’t. So, he’s spending every waking moment trying to drag down to Hell as many of us as he can. Is it because he likes us so much? Don’t flatter yourself. It’s because everyone he gets to follow him, sticks another dagger in God’s heart. He hates God, not you. He doesn’t care anything about you. He’s insane and all he wants to do is hurt God through us. When you stand before God on your final day, whether it’s Jesus’s return or just your final day, Satan won’t be there to whisper in your ear the things he does now to entice you to do things your way… so what’s in your wallet? Who’re you going to follow?

Links for election fraud: www.frankspeech.com    www.lindelltv.com

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