Thursday, April 29, 2021

Is Stress an Issue with you?

I haven’t had a lot to say lately, but woke up this morning with an upset stomach and all the unpleasant things that go along with that. I didn’t know why this was happening and started thinking about a lot of the information I’ve been hearing lately that’s “out there”. It’s very confusing. Sometimes you don’t even know what to listen to because it all sounds so crazy. It’s like we really are in the times that the Bible (Matthew 24: 37-39) describes as “in the days of Noah”. There’s also a scripture (Matthew 24:23, 24) that says, even the elect might be deceived. Whoa…

I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all the confusion that’s going on that’s causing the stress in my body, which then converts into bodily issues. It’s disconcerting to say the least. I find myself avoiding even the news the prophets have to say. Some of them are coming out with some pretty fantastic sounding visions that make me cringe. I don’t understand all that, but I wouldn’t want to be getting the visions they’re getting, that’s for sure. I believe it’s all making me stress out. Stress is not a good thing, especially for a type 2 diabetic, so I’m taking a break from it right now.

Most of the prophets are basically saying that there’s a lot coming down soon that will “blow people’s minds”. Right now, I think my mind needs a break. So, I’m praying, for the most part, and trusting God. I can’t do anything that will change whatever is going to happen or make it any better, so I’m leaving it in the Lord’s hands. He’s the only one I can trust. I look forward to His soon return.

I doubt we’ll ever get back to what we all called 'normal' in this world anymore. There’s too many crazy, power hungry people out there that think they know what’s best. They don’t, but their money makes them think they can do whatever they want. They mess around with things that no human being should be messing around with. I’m no scientist, philosopher or even a highly educated college person. I don’t understand much of the spiritual world either, so I lean heavily on the Lord to guide me, protect me and prepare for my eternal future. He hasn’t let me down yet. 

It’s not easy being a Christian. The world has many facets to it and most of them lead you away from God. You have to fight to stay focused on Him. It’s a daily struggle, a daily ‘putting on your spiritual armor’ (Ephesians 6:10-18), listening to Christian music, reading the Bible, being in the presence of God through prayer. It’s choosing those things instead of all the worldly practices there are to choose from, and there are many. I believe God planned it this way. Why? So we deliberately choose to follow Him, not our own way or the world’s way. God wants us to deliberately choose Him so He knows that we truly love and want Him to rule and reign in our hearts. He created many angels and 1/3 of them followed Satan out of heaven. God booted him out when pride entered into him, which is the original sin. (Isaiah 14:12-15) 

I didn’t start “pressing into the high calling of God”, as Paul puts it (Phillipians 3:12-16), until I was well into my late 50’s. It’s funny how old age will take you to places you never thought you’d go. But when you begin to experience all the ‘bodily’ things you go through as you age, it makes you think more and more about the end of your own life. 

I’d really  like to know what the “golden years” are. I haven’t seen any of them yet. Maybe that phrase was coined during much softer times past. It certainly doesn’t fit this day and age, lol. I’m trying to reach out to anyone who’ll listen and read these posts to let them know they’re not alone in their struggles and trials of this present world and that there’s someone who loves them intensely, who DIED for them so they can be saved. His name is Jesus!  

Some people hate God because of loved ones who've died and they blamed God for it. It wasn't Him. The enemy of our soul, body and spirit is the one who is at fault for that, but we all blame God when bad stuff happens. Why is that? Even people who say they don't believe in God, blame God. God doesn't do bad. He loves. But people blame Him. 

I think it may be because they don't really 'want' to even think there could be something as evil as a devil, yet, God is a God of order and the creator of everything, including physics, which says "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. Example: for light, there is dark; for hot, there's cold; for evil, there's good, so, for God, there's Lucifer (original name) or Satan. Yes, there is a devil "who seeks whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8),

But, Jesus is coming soon and He’s calling to you. He’s paid the price for all your sins so you can have eternal life and peace with Him. No more sorrow, no more tears (Revelation 21:4). Sounds good to me.

Don't forget to check out the sites with good news on them about many things that are going on now: and

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