Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Year 2015

Happy New Year!  You will glean in 2015!

I'm looking forward to a bright new year this year.  Why?  Why not!  I am blessed by all that God has given me.  I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful and comfortable home, a daughter who is happy, healthy, working and growing in grace, knowledge and wisdom.  I have a son in law who treats her well, who believes in God and who has goals for their future.  I am writing a book, learning to play the guitar and looking forward to what God is going to do next in my life.  I'm retired, but expectant!  I'm in an 'in between' time right now and waiting to see what my next step in this journey will bring.

My struggle is self motivation.  I need to do the things that I know to do...not just sit there and think of them, but DO them!   That's my main problem.  I know what to do.  I just don't do it. But this year, that too will pass.  

My goals this year are: 

  1. Finish my book and do what I need to do to get it published and see what God will do with it from there.  
  2. Learn to play my new Zager guitar!
  3. Exercise everyday!
  4. Eat correctly, but still enjoy 'a little' of what makes life fun!
  5. Make new friends!
  6. Start a bible group in my new room this summer.
  7. Get the family picnics and Christmas parties going.
  8. Enjoy our new camper and take some real camping trips around this beautiful country of ours!
I think that's a good start.  So to finish off this short but positive blog today....I wish everyone out there a Happy New Year and a prosperous and healthy one too.  

God Bless!

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