Monday, October 17, 2022

Genocide of America

This is simply way too long and I don't even know if anyone reads this or not, lol.  I'm just going to give a link to the entire article, which was written in 2020. I repeat that because it's saying that "Tens of thousands of doctors have now come out to confirm that “COVID-19 is a hoax."

That was being said back then and it's still coming out on the internet everywhere like it's being said for the first time.  I am totally blown away by how much the spread of information is so infectious.  I never realized how all this social networking garbage is so effective, especially at spreading lies.  The mainstream media won't print truth and most people read that. So they're believing all those lies.  Then you have the lies all over the internet, backed by the people who are trying to take over the world, along with all the information that's actually true ~ how are you supposed to know what is true and what isn't?

But that makes a good point. In Matthew 24 it talks about the end times and how people will be calling good evil and evil good.  Many don't want anything to do with religion or the Bible or Christianity, yet, the Bible contains the prophetic words of all that's going on right now.  I think whether people who say they don't believe in God or Jesus or anything they represent, actually not only believe it, but are very afraid of it.  

All that's going on right now is showing a battle of good vs. evil. It's God vs. Satan and nobody wants to look at that except those who do believe because it's so obvious. But most people are ignoring it and not believing that there's any kind of returning of Jesus or that thing they call the Rapture of the church and even that has biblical reference:  2Peter 3:3, 4.  Yeah, it actually says...

Scoffers will come in the last days with mocking, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”

You can't make this stuff up.  Even when I went to find a link for her document, I found a ton of them, along with the video she made, and they're still trying to lie about the fact that it's isn't true. With all the scientific proof they have now of how it all got started and why, they're still trying to debunk that article. Total malarky.    

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