Monday, April 11, 2022

Palm Sunday Message

 I attended a church this morning whose pastor had a refreshing message. Yes, it was about Jesus riding a donkey colt into Jerusalem with people shouting Hosanna, but she brought up quite a few things that I never heard in any sermon before about that event.

First she read from Matthew 21 when Jesus told his disciples to go to a certain house and get a donkey and its colt. She brought up the question, What if they wouldn’t be allowed to take the animals, but it specifically says that Jesus told them to tell the owners that He had need of them. The owners already knew that when someone came to take his donkey and colt that Jesus was the one who would need them. The next couple of verses talk about a prophecy that would be fulfilled by using the donkey colt with a King riding on it. That prophecy was in Zachariah 9:9. 

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation,
Lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.

 He wasn't even riding the adult donkey, but the colt of a donkey, which is considered a lowly form of transportation. Pastor Rhonda also said that lately people keep asking her, with all that’s going on in the world today, how she sleeps at night, because they’re so fearful. Her explanation revolved around the knowledge of the Word which shows us that God had this all planned out a very long time ago and she trusts Him. Knowing that God knows all about this, gives her peace because this is all part of His plan and it's in line with Jesus coming back. Jesus said in Matthew 24 to not be afraid when we start hearing of wars and rumors of wars.

She pointed out that many people thought that Jesus would be the one who would be their leader. They yelled Hosanna, which means (save now) as he rode into Jerusalem 1500 years after the first Passover. Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. This act was reserved for kings and conquerors. They thought He’d raise up an army and drive the Romans out of Israel, but that’s not what He came to do. He came as a spiritual deliverer, not a physical warrior. He came to sit in our hearts, not on a throne. He came to defeat Satan, not Rome.

The people missed the full significance of the circumstances. Two things were happening, but they only saw one: Jesus fulfilling Zechariah’s prophecy:  Your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey. It was a prophecy the Jews knew well. When Jesus passed through Jerusalem’s gates, they were openly proclaiming Him as their Savior and King (though it was in the sense of relieving Israel from Roman oppression).  What they didn’t see was God’s selection of Jesus Christ as the final Passover lamb to be slaughtered. 1

Matthew 27 has Jesus taken before Pontius Pilate. As he stood before him and Pilate read the accusations against Him, He answered him nothing. He knew what He was there for. He knew what He had to do. This was God’s plan all along and He was a willing participant.

Pilate’s wife told Pilate to have nothing to do with ‘this just man’ because she suffered many things that day because of dreams she had about Him. Pilate ‘knew’ that the elders and chief priests wanted Jesus dead because they were jealous of His notoriety. The people were listening to Him. He was teaching something they never heard from the pious religious leaders of that day. They were afraid Christianity would take hold and they’d be out of a job. Even Pilate knew that. When you think of it… Jesus was murdered because of jealousy.

The chief priests and elders actually went out into the people and persuaded them to ask for the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus that day (Matt. 27:20). Every year at Passover, one prisoner was set free as a gesture to illustrate their respect for the festival holiday. The day that Jesus entered on the donkey colt, not only fulfilled the prophetic word in Zachariah, but it was the day the Jews were to bring a sheep without spot or blemish into their home before it was slaughtered and the blood put on their doorposts so the Angel of Death would pass over their home. God’s all about timing.

But Pastor Rhonda pointed out that when Pilate asked the people who they wanted to release, they all yelled, “Barabbas”.  He asked them “What about Jesus who is called Christ?” But they continued to say, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”  Pilate asked again, “What evil has He done?” But they continued to yell, “Crucify Him”.

Pilate realized they were getting angrier, so in order to avoid a riot, he symbolically washed his hands in a bowl of water as he spoke his own belief, “I’m innocent of the blood of this just person. You see to it.” And he turned Jesus over to them. But the next thing the people said was shocking!

All the people answered and said, “His blood be on us and on our children.” They cursed themselves and their children as well!!! What comes out of our mouths sometimes? We don’t realize that the world we live in is way more spiritual than we know. We put things in motion by what comes out of our mouths.

The stage was set for the events of the final week of his life, leading to his suffering, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. Just a few days later on Nisan 14, as upwards of 250,000 lambs were being sacrificed in the temple courts, according to God’s instruction in Exodus 12, Jesus would be nailed to a cross. 2

But the thing that impressed me the most was how she related this sermon to what’s happening in the world today. All the lies that are on the main stream media, the things that are happening because of the incredible fear of the unknown, mostly because people don’t want to know the truth, is a rerun of the Bible. I think most people don’t want anything to do with the Bible because they think it doesn’t have anything to do with the time we’re living in. But it does. 

There are many people who are writing books, putting podcasts out there for anyone to listen to that will tell you how things pertain to what the Bible says all the time. The Bible is the Book of Life. It tells us what’s happening, what has happened and what is going to happen. If you can’t see that, many others can and are willing to share that with you. It’s an amazing living book. May your eyes be opened to its supernatural nuances, messages and revelation. The more you read it, the more it talks to you. As you grow with the Lord, He will open up new and fresh mysteries to you that you never saw before.

So… may this Easter season bring you closer to the Creator of the Universe and His gift of salvation through Yeshua HaMashiach or Jesus the Christ, and I wish a Happy Passover, Happy Palm Sunday and Shalom to you and yours.

Footnotes:  1 and 2:

Here's a new podcast from our own Whitehall Township Commissioner, Andy Roman. Andy is interviewing a person who works at Lehigh Valley International Airport and he has footage of many illegal aliens that are being secretly brought into our country by the current administration to cause more chaos and economic trouble for us so they can push their agenda to globalize our monetary system with the New World Order. This has got to stop!  Check it out:  

Click on the smaller video called Consent of the Governed, below the large black one called PA Ghost Flights. There are 2 other podcasts on that same page you can listen to. One is with Attorney Stefanie Lambert about her video footage and proof of voting fraud and the other one, his first, is an interview with Dean Browning on the PA Election Redistricting. Andy's doing a great job of informing the public of many issues that are not being touched by the main stream media.

Don't forget the non-main stream media news feeds that will not only tell you the whole truth, but will also tell you what Christians and Patriots are doing to change things and bring justice to what's already been done:




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