Monday, May 17, 2021

Oh, my gosh... I had a terrible day yesterday. I usually do on a Sunday when I have to do video at my church. Getting up too early is harder than ever for me now that I’m in my 70s. When I get home, I’m too tired to do anything, so the rest of the day is shot! I won’t be doing it anymore after June, so PTL! It’s too grueling on my physical person. I feel like I’ve wasted an entire day when I have to do it.

But, I had to post this after I watched a few old videos on YouTube the other day. I think we’ve all been listening to the wrong everything! Jonathan Cahn’s 2 vids: The Paradigm, Jonathan Cahn, Grace Church ( and the Message to America - Full Version: Jonathan Cahn Addresses the Presidential Inaugural Prayer for Obama’s 2nd term ( are about all that’s not only happened, but why! He actually said this in front of everyone at Obama’s Inaugural breakfast!!! He’s got nerve, that’s for sure.

He has two books out: The Harbinger and The Paradigm that give not only a prophetic insight into ALL that’s happening now, but the people that are in them as well. It’s so right down to the exact time span too. It’s amazing! He’s basically predicted our future from the Bible and has written it in these books and nobody is seeing it? 

I never heard him speak before and I’ll have to admit, most of what comes out of his mouth is doom and gloom, so I didn’t ‘want’ to hear it. But recently I figured, okay, I’ve heard all the bad news, I’m living in it now, so let’s hear what his bad news has to say, so I listened to the two YouTube videos he has (links in orange letters) and was blown away.

I have to admit, one thing I hate most is people who have nothing but bad news to give, but never a solution to it. He has the solution too. My question is: these books have been out for quite a while and yet nobody is talking about them? Nobody is saying, “Hey look at this, Jonathan Cahn is saying exactly what’s happening right now and who’s involved in it!” People buy his books all the time, but what are they doing with what’s in them? Obviously nothing… Is our sin so much more important to protect, that we just ignore the facts right in front of us. Yes, those facts are prophetic and supernatural even, but isn’t that what most people are looking for? Yet, when they find it, they ignore it.

His solution is simple: this country has to repent and turn back to Jesus and the Bible. We need revival in America. We need revival all over the world! America is a country that was set apart for evangelism and supporting Israel... you bless Israel; you get blessed; you curse Israel; you get cursed. The infestation in the Whitehouse right now not only doesn’t support Israel, but they’ve opened abortion clinics all over the world and are paying for them with OUR tax dollars!!! This is unacceptable! Not only to me, but it should be to everyone. We are killing millions of unborn children and the infestation in the Whitehouse is all for that. They’ve noted Hillary Clinton as the biggest abortion supporter of the century! Ugh! Trump was for Israel, for stopping abortion and for getting America back to its Christian roots! I believe he won the election, but they rigged it for the infestation in the Whitehouse, but even so... I know Christians who voted for that. I don’t understand how blind Christians are to the truth. All because of hate. They voted in a party that wants to hand our Free way of life over to the Chinese Communist Party!!! What is wrong with this picture? Many died for that freedom. Most people have forgotten that or don’t care, because they’re from other countries and they care more about those countries than they do about the one they came to “get as much as they can” from. The USA! Open arms to the afflicted... and the afflicted stab her in the back! All because of the Obama administration who opened the door for non-citizens to vote! How ridiculous is that!!!

Well, I can’t ignore this… Check these two vids out and if you can ignore what the obvious, prophetic, supernatural facts are, then okay… but at least you can’t stand in front of God on your last day and say, “I never heard that before.”

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