Sunday, May 7, 2023

More Bioengineered Food Information

As you probably know, if you’ve read any of my blogs or these posts, bioengineered ingredients have been steadily added to our food for some time now.  One of the posts I watch on a regular basis is SG Anon on  He has information that nobody else seems to have.  You never see him, but it’s what he says that’s important.

He began noticing things gone wrong with our country when he was in college and found out that the sodas he was drinking during his school years was laced with “kidney tissue”.  He said that all soda companies were putting it into their product. He stopped drinking soda and began learning more about what’s ‘really’ going on in our society.

Now, they’re not only putting bioengineered ingredients in a lot of foods on our grocery shelves, but they’re not even hiding it anymore.  They are not, however, saying ‘what’ the ingredients actually are. Why?  Because our government and the FDA say they don’t have to.  Isn’t that interesting? Not exactly the word I’d choose.  They do say “Bioengineered Ingredients on some labels, but others don’t even have that. They have been putting a QR code on a lot of products and if you scan it, it’ll take you to the site and product, if you’re lucky, so you can look under Ingredients or Nutrition and on many, you’ll find it there. So they’re making us work to find the labeling at all.  I have already found Bioengineered Ingredients in Cheese Curls!  What in the world would you be putting an ingredient in that type of food for?  Because it’s a snack food and eaten probably more than normal dinner foods.

Klaus Schwab made this threat at one of the WEF meetings:  “If they won’t take the vaccine, we’ll put it in their food, their water, the soil, the seeds and even in their medications.  And they are doing just that.  Every day there’s more and more things happening that threaten our food supply.  Argentina: Klaus Schwab's hunger agenda and the switch to eating crickets continue to be carried out around the world. More than 200,000 chickens and about 500,000 fresh eggs were destroyed in Argentina, all because of an allegedly confirmed case of "bird flu".  They’re buying out Dutch farmer’s property and if they don’t sell voluntarily, they will simply take away their property. Netherlands: Over the past year, more than 3,000 farms have been closed due to the global warming climate agenda.  USA: 100 Million Animals Have Been Injected With mRNA Technology, and Hardly Anyone Knows About it. Dr. Bryan Ardis: “They’re already injecting mRNA technology into vegetables.  In China, they’re already mRNA injecting cattle - for our beef supply.” The FDA says they don’t have to put on their labels where the meat comes from. 

Why?  Because they’re trying to vaccinate the whole world. They have to or their tracking system won’t work properly. Thank you to all who voted for the Biden regime.  What you don’t realize is that Biden never ran for President. He was executed in 2019. Actors and clones have been playing his part.

Cooking carbohydrates in fat such as done to make Potato Chips and French Fries, forms a poison that can lead to Cancer.

Something is put in the Dasani brand water that makes it not freeze. That’s scary.

Toothpaste and tap water contain rat poison (fluoride).

These so-called ‘elites’ are Hell bent on doing what they started out to do and they don’t care how it gets done.  The Right has to do every thing legally, but the left can break any law they want, including the Constitution and nothing’s done about it at all.  If you think they care that you’ll get sick and die from stuff that’s being put in our food, you’re mistaken. They are all evil, wicked, mass murderers that think they are the only ones worth saving.  Do you know there is a very large vault of original seeds stored in Antarctica? Why?  So when all this is done, they can have original, unaltered seeds for their own use. They’re even talking about creating a worldwide flood, as in the days of Noah. They’ve built their own arks and they aren’t big enough for anyone but themselves.  I guess that’s what H.A.A.R.P. is definitively going to be used for.

Situation Update for 5.7.23:

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