Life Thoughts
Thoughts on life and ways I deal with them. Somewhat of a journal with ways I look at troubles, daily challenges, current events, family, friends and acquaintances. My hope is for people to glean some good advice from it or find a better way of dealing with life's issues.
Friday, May 26, 2023
Amanda Grace Prophetic Word from 5/26/23
Sunday, May 7, 2023
More Bioengineered Food Information
He began noticing things gone wrong
with our country when he was in college and found out that the sodas he was
drinking during his school years was laced with “kidney tissue”. He said that all soda companies were putting
it into their product. He stopped drinking soda and began learning more about
what’s ‘really’ going on in our society.
Now, they’re not only putting
bioengineered ingredients in a lot of foods on our grocery shelves, but they’re
not even hiding it anymore. They are
not, however, saying ‘what’ the ingredients actually are. Why? Because our government and the FDA say they
don’t have to. Isn’t that interesting?
Not exactly the word I’d choose. They do
say “Bioengineered Ingredients on some labels, but others don’t even have that.
They have been putting a QR code on a lot of products and if you scan it, it’ll
take you to the site and product, if you’re lucky, so you can look under
Ingredients or Nutrition and on many, you’ll find it there. So they’re making
us work to find the labeling at all. I
have already found Bioengineered Ingredients in Cheese Curls! What in the world would you be putting an
ingredient in that type of food for?
Because it’s a snack food and eaten probably more than normal dinner
Schwab made this
threat at one of the WEF meetings: “If
they won’t take the vaccine, we’ll put it in their food, their water, the soil,
the seeds and even in their medications.
And they are doing just that. Every
day there’s more and more things happening that threaten our food supply. Argentina:
Klaus Schwab's hunger agenda and the switch to eating crickets continue to
be carried out around the world. More than 200,000 chickens and about 500,000
fresh eggs were destroyed in Argentina, all because of an allegedly confirmed
case of "bird flu". They’re
buying out Dutch farmer’s property
and if they don’t sell voluntarily, they will simply take away their property. Netherlands: Over the past year, more
than 3,000 farms have been closed due to the global warming climate agenda. USA:
100 Million Animals Have Been Injected With mRNA Technology, and Hardly Anyone
Knows About it. Dr. Bryan Ardis: “They’re already injecting mRNA technology
into vegetables. In China, they’re already mRNA injecting cattle - for our beef
supply.” The FDA says they don’t have to put on their labels where the meat
comes from.
Because they’re trying to vaccinate the whole world. They have to or
their tracking system won’t work properly. Thank you to all who voted for the
Biden regime. What you don’t realize is
that Biden never ran for President. He was executed in 2019. Actors and clones
have been playing his part.
carbohydrates in fat
such as done to make Potato Chips and French Fries, forms a poison that can
lead to Cancer.
Something is put in the Dasani brand
water that makes it not freeze. That’s scary.
Toothpaste and tap water contain rat
poison (fluoride).
These so-called ‘elites’ are Hell bent
on doing what they started out to do and they don’t care how it gets done. The Right has to do every thing legally, but the left
can break any law they want, including the Constitution and nothing’s done
about it at all. If you think they care
that you’ll get sick and die from stuff that’s being put in our food, you’re
mistaken. They are all evil, wicked, mass murderers that think they are the
only ones worth saving. Do you know
there is a very large vault of original seeds stored in Antarctica? Why? So when all this is done, they can have
original, unaltered seeds for their own use. They’re even talking about
creating a worldwide flood, as in the days of Noah. They’ve built their own
arks and they aren’t big enough for anyone but themselves. I guess that’s what H.A.A.R.P. is
definitively going to be used for.
Situation Update for 5.7.23:
Thursday, February 23, 2023
What if.....
People have grown weary of waiting and don’t think Jesus is ever coming back. I have to admit, that occurred to me as well. Not only IS He coming back, but He’s coming back very, very soon. There’s so many people working to fix our world, but they can execute, imprison (which is actually better) or destroy many things but the demon spirit that takes over someone’s body after they choose to go the way of sin, will just go into another person. That person, down the road, will continue to accomplish the things its former host was doing. You can’t KILL a spirit!
Amanda was saying how she prophesied, back in 2019 and 2020
about the train derailments that have taken place in our time frame. This is all being carried out by the current
administration. They want control, they’re
losing that control because not everyone got the covid shots, and they’re
trying everything they can think of to bring the world under control again.
They’re trying to hand America over to Zelensky of Ukraine, the CCP and all the
countries that have been planning depopulation, control of the entire world and
experimentation on every single person that lives.
There are two statues that just went up in NY. One is 8 feet tall and stands over the Court
House, showing everyone that Ishtar, goddess of prostitution and war, rules
over our law. They are calling it ‘Witness’ but that’s a lie. It’s a deliberate
satanic act like all the rest (Sam Smith - transgender performance at the
Grammy Awards, the Bull across from Wall Street, which represents money and how
it’s our god, Rhianna’s pregnancy act for Super Bowl Sunday, which represents
Semiramis with child from her affair and the beginning of her status as a
goddess of prostitution and war, etc). Another statue of the same being,
Ishtar, is also in Madison Square Park and that’s 18 feet high and it
represents Semiramis, the whore of Babylon, who was married to Nimrod, had an
affair but when she found out she was pregnant, she killed Nimrod, had the
baby, claiming she had been miraculously impregnated by her dead husband, which
raised him to a God status, then she became the goddess of prostitution,
perverted sex and war. She named her
son, Tammuz and later marries him. This
is all so evil and it’s being done on purpose to blatantly push satanic
symbolism everywhere to pull people into their web so they can destroy us. Semiramis was also called Aphrodite, Asherah,
Ishtar, Goddess of Heaven. But they’re all the same and they all represent sex,
prostitution, war, and perversion.
The video link below is the link to Amanda’s podcast. You’ll be amazed how similar what happened in ancient times is
now happening again. Get read! Look up for your redemption draws nigh! Jesus is coming back very, very soon.
What If....
just watched a Star Trek: Next Generation episode that showed Diana, the ship’s
counselor, being impregnated by a being that was passing the Starship
Enterprise and decided to learn a little more about humans. So, it entered her
body, she realized the next morning she was pregnant, talked to Dr. Pulaski
about it and had a baby boy 36 hours later that could walk and talk 1 day
later. She didn’t go thru any kind of pain during the birth and felt wonderful
throughout the entire experience. Now THAT’S what childbirth should be like! Maybe it would have been, had Eve used a
little discretion and didn’t allow a slimy creature to talk her into becoming
‘like God’. Of course, that’s easy for me to say because I know a lot more than
Eve knew when all that happened, not to mention the fact that God planned all
of it to happen so we could get to this point in time, right before Jesus comes
back again.
why am I bringing all of this up? Lately I’ve been having some trouble coping
with life. Knowing the truth doesn’t always make everything good and better.
Most of the time, knowing the truth about matters, actually makes your own life
worse because nobody else believes you or simply doesn’t ‘want’ to know your
truth. They think you’re nuts or some kind of conspiracy theorist. Yeah, it’s a
conspiracy, but I’m not in it. So many people right now know so much about the
truth since the election fraud in 2020, but nothing is being done to bring that
to light so that everyone will see it. Yes, there are a lot of things that have
to be exposed so that the people who are responsible for all of this can be
brought to justice, but it’s taking so long that our entire country is being
handed over to the globalists and will there be anything anyone can do to turn
all that around? I honestly don’t see how. The more I look at everything and
even listen to the truth tellers, the more depressed I get.
Because I totally believe that Jesus is coming back very soon, but so many
prophets are saying that this is all going to be turned around, exposed and put
right again. How and why? The evil global elites aren’t going to stop what
they’re doing, This reset plan has been going on for a very long time. Satan is
going to have his day. The Book of Revelation says so, so that’s a given. Why
would we want to prolong all this. It’s just going to be more time for the
wrong side to get better at what they’re doing. The Bible says that “heaven and
earth will pass away, but God’s Word will never pass away”. According to
Revelation, God’s going to come down and live with us when the pit of fire and
brimstone is sealed for the last time, so how is that going to happen if we
allow Satan’s crew continue to
blow up this world with things like the Cern
Collider, etc?
Thursday, January 26, 2023
WEF & Biden: Do Any of Us Really Need Either? NO
This organization, along with
the fake Biden of the country of Washington D.C. should be eradicated from this
planet! They obviously are not happy
here. They think, for some reason, that they have authority to do anything they
want. Fake Biden was fraudulently voted in and they’re allowing him to ‘bury
and shoot himself’ with all the garbage he’s doing, but this organization that
thinks they are ‘elite’ are nothing but a bunch of self-appointed dictators
with britches that apparently are too big for them, who think they have the
right to tell the entire world what to do!
Where did they ever get that idea?
Elite definition: a select group that is superior
in terms of ability or qualities to the rest of a group or society.
I think all of them read this
in the dictionary and apparently thought it applied to them. But, that is
exactly what they are! A bunch of very stupid, ignorant, rabble rousers, who
think they are better and smarter than everyone else, and just decided one day,
“We’re going to rule the world.” Sound familiar? I think I heard that somewhere…
oh yeah, in the Bible when Lucifer said, “I will be like the Most High God!”
And God threw him out the door.
Then they began having
meetings, writing a brand new set of 10 Commandments (even though they don’t
believe in God?), declaring that our world was in a state of ‘climate crisis and
change’ and that it’s due to over population. They say, we should not be eating meat anymore because it causes carbon
emissions, and we need to eat bugs and manufactured meat instead.
Most of us aren’t necessary
or won’t even be needed in their new world because ‘we aren’t smart enough for elite jobs’. We won’t be needed for farming because they’ll be manufacturing food so
the majority of the population won’t even have any jobs to do or be of any use,
so let’s use them for body parts or just landfill. Oh, and don’t forget that
robots will be able to do most of the laborious work, so we’ll just invent a
disease to kill them and if that doesn’t do the trick, we’ll invent a drug that
we’ll call a vaccine so they’ll be willing to take it, thinking it’ll keep them
safe from the disease we’ve created, but it actually will be the portal we need
to get nano technology into their bodies so we can completely control
everything they think, feel, say, and do. If it doesn’t kill them, then the
ones who make it through will be put into the body part category, experimental
rat category or maybe something we can play with. Maybe we’ll bring back the Coliseum
and have people fights or even better, put in some wild animals and watch them
rip them apart for our entertainment. What else are they good for anyway?
This group of self-appointed
leaders of the world has really lost their minds! They’re mad at Elon Musk
right now because he isn’t ‘behaving’. Ursula
von der Leyen, the EU Commissioner of the WEF said, “So, our message was clear:
we have the rules which have to be complied with. And otherwise, there will be
sanctions. I think that the confidence (Who’s
confidence?) has been weakened, and I had quite a high level of confidence
when it comes to Twitter (yeah, before
Elon took it over). I have to say that we worked with knowledgeable people,
with the lawyers, with sociologists who understood that they have to “behave”
in some “decent” way, not to cause really big harm to society (yeah, who’s society? Theirs!). I always
felt that this notion of responsibility was there. So, this is what I don’t feel
from Elon Musk, personally.”
They want Elon to "harm society" with FREE SPEECH on Twitter. Who would ever have thought they’d do something like
that? What type of speech do they want on Twitter? Oh yeah! The type that lies
to people, the type that doesn’t allow anyone to have any other thoughts than
those that they’re told to think.
“Oh, Elon! What a bad boy you’ve
become to them. Good for you!!!”
Fortunately, for all of us,
Elon Musk knows that “without free speech, there is no freedom!” And he’s doing
the right thing in that arena.
Now, coming to the fake Biden…
and why do I keep saying ‘fake’? Because, he’s an actor. Yes, the person you
think is the fraudulent president is not the real Joe Biden. The real Joe Biden
is dead. Yes, he’s dead. If what is out there on the Internet is true, he was never
even in the election of 2020 because he was executed at a military tribunal
prior to that. If that isn’t true and so far, all the military executions for
treason are still out there, the actor that played the part, died of a heart
attack 2 years ago and this is another actor (one of many, not to mention the clone of Biden they found in the
cloning labs in the Ozarks). So, why is he still around? Why are we
allowing this fake and phony nobody (at
least nobody that ‘anybody’ elected), ruin our country? Because the good
guys (white hats, ‘right’ side of the
tracks, patriots, Q people, or whatever you want to call them) are allowing
the Left (black hats, leftists, global
elites, Jesuits, oh and don’t forget the Vatican) bury themselves. The
general public (or what the ‘woke’
patriots are calling “normies” or “sleepers”) doesn’t ‘want’ to know the
truth so this type of thing can go on for a long time. The ‘white hats’ don’t
want to ‘freak’ anybody out with information they can’t handle or that would
cause riots and wars (which is exactly
what the ‘global elites’ want!)
Yes, they want a war. Why? #1
– IT MAKES THEM MORE MONEY AND RICHER!!! Yes, war makes the global elites
richer. Catastrophe makes $$$. Why do you think they keep causing them.
Throughout the ages the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Illuminati and Freemasons
have been causing all the wars we have. They do it on purpose. It keeps people
under control and in fear and it makes the elites money! “Never let a good crisis go
to waste.” Churchill said that in the 1940s as the world approached the end of
WWII. The Illuminati comes out of England. Oh, and that was formed by the
Jesuits. They are at the center of it all.
The Jesuits were kicked out
of 83 countries from the time they began, but run free and clear since this
country began.. before it was born from the Revolutionary War. Yep, they’ve
been at the crux of all the wars, fights, even crisis’s we’ve been in. They’ve
killed around 8 of our presidents, starting with Washington. He’s said to have
been a Freemason, but I read that they gave him that honorary standing ‘after’
he died. He never wanted to be in that organization, even though he ‘was’ a
Mason. Most people who belong to Masonic Temples don’t realize what’s at the
crux of that organization or what they have to vow before being one of the ‘higher
ups’. It’s just as bad as the Jesuit pledge.
So, WAKE UP AMERICANS! This stuff is no longer conspiracy theory. It’s
real! It’s out there and thriving due to lack of belief and awareness of their presence,
their deeds, their actions or even ‘who’ they are. They aren’t ‘out in the open’
anymore. They are a secret society ever since they came to this country.
Here’s the link to the Epoch
Times video. Say Karen Wilt sent you. I have a subscription. You should be able
to see it. If you can’t view it, email me @ ( and I will put
your email into their share list and then you’ll be able to view it.
Also, if you’re absolutely as
confused as I am about the upcoming new QFS financial system, here’s 2 links to
videos that can explain it to you (if you can even understand what they’re
talking about). I am not a financial person, but was able to at least get a
grip on what it is and how it works. They have links to people you can listen
to who can help you on a more personal level too:
Friday, December 2, 2022
The World is About to Change Dramatically
This link is something you want to see if you're interested in what's going on in the WORLD and is going to take place very, very soon. When you click on it, it will bring up a message that will 'warn' you about the link. That's Google's way of scaring you away from it. There's nothing but truth in this video. I wouldn't have put it on if it wasn't safe. Google is interested in stopping people from knowing truth.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Everything is Ridiculous
I just got done reading today’s headlines and each and every one of them was insane. This whole country of ours has “lost it”. There’s no government at all. A man who is an actor has been playing the part of the illegitimate, fraudulent president, Biden, because Joe Biden died 2 ½ years ago. Whoever is supposedly ‘running’ this country is a total traitor, and an imposter who’s impersonating a person who isn’t even legally our president! What the hell is all that!
There’s a movie
called Dave, which is close to what’s going on now, only not as bad. Kevin
Kline plays the part of the guy who is an ‘acting’ president because the real
president had a heart attack while having sex with his secretary. Lovely theme
for a movie. Anyway, this guy ends up exposing the culprit who was behind it
all, but gets away and then ends up running for a political seat in his
hometown. You’d think he’d ‘lay low’ so as not to draw attention to himself.
Not only that, but the ex-president’s wife ends up with him. Totally unbelievable, right?
Ding, ding! Wrong!
Not only are people
‘playing’ the part of elected officials right now, but they’re changing laws,
doing whatever they want, legal or not, and NOBODY is doing anything about
it! Oh yeah, there’s supposed to be
people working in the background to ‘fix’ all of this. Trump is supposed to be endorsing all these
Republican candidates and then he’s going to run for President again in 2024. Well, good luck to that because we won’t even
have a country by that time. I’m amazed we still have something called the
U.S.A. right now.
Governor Newsom has
changed the voting laws in California to include convicts! Newsom was executed at GITMO in January, ( so who’s making illegal laws in his place?
That’s treason, but does anyone care?
They keep talking
about the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, the Gates’s, etc. They are all gone! All
executed at GITMO (see: The
Supreme Court ruled that the 2020 elections were fraudulent, but they won’t
dissolve the current administration. What? Why? What’s the point of having a
Supreme Court that rules one thing, but does the opposite in reality? They are
fraudulent and should be dissolved.
According to many
sources online that work closely with the military, which is supposed to be run
by President Trump (that information is out there as well for anyone who cares
to listen), and have initiated over 450,000 indictments against people who have
committed crimes against humanity, crimes against innocent children, crimes
against our previous government and yet, what’s changed? Nothing!
So what if we win
the November elections, making republicans more abundant than Dems! The current
fake president will just veto everything they do and you honestly think we’ll
have a country for another 2 years that way? Get real!
Obama, a homosexual,
Luciferian, with a transgender boyfriend for a wife, won two terms as the
President of the U.S.A. He pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes! He’s never
been a citizen of this country, nor has Kamala Harris! How was she even able to
run for Vice President? We’ve had a homosexual, transgender couple in the
Whitehouse for 8 years and only the people in Hollywood knew about it because
they are as corrupt as everyone else.
Oh yeah… didn’t I
mention that former Tom Hanks was a member of NAMBLA! Look it up if you’re interested. He’s been
executed for sex trafficking and crimes against children for over 30 years. Oh,
yeah…. Walt Disney was a pedophile too and we wonder why the current CEO of
that corporation has transgender kids and why they are pushing homosexuality
and transgenderism now. Oh yeah, and
Alec Baldwin, executed. Probably many more actors and actresses who gave their
souls over to pedophilia, sex trafficking, and had their memberships in the
Adrenochrome club. Look that up if you’re interested too.
This world is a very
sick place. Apparently, it’s been for a very long time. We’ve just been
deceived and lied to about everything. I, personally, have never liked this
life. Maybe being sexually abused by my stepfather at 4 years and 5 years old
had something to do with that. But what’s the big deal about that! There are
millions of kids that disappear every single year and nobody even talks about
it. I remember when there used to be kids pictures on the milk cartons that
suddenly disappeared. Where’d they all go? Were some of them kidnapped while
visiting Disneyland? How ‘bout through the court processes when kids are taken
away from their parents and nobody ever sees those kids again? Maybe the bill
that Clinton signed into being back in his reign in the Whitehouse when he
couldn’t keep his pants up. It was supposed to go to all states for
transportation purposes. It was actually used to fix and make new underground
tunnels so they could transport kidnapped kids easier.
Oh, and don’t let me forget about the Pope. The biggest Luciferian and pedophile of all time! There are tons of vids out there showing him lip locking with small children. And the throne he now sits on – well, if you don’t find that demonic, you’re worse off than you think.
The Catholic Church
is responsible for all the Babylonian symbolism in all our current holidays.
The religions were all lumped together during Constantine’s reign way back
when, so he could unite all the religions. He wanted everyone to be Christian,
but you can’t force people to want something just because you think they
should. Even Christmas is pagan. All the things in it come from the pagan,
Babylonian times, like: the yuletide, mistletoe, the Christmas tree, and
especially Satan Claus. But we celebrate it anyway because we didn’t know. Now
that we know, if you still celebrate it, you are celebrating a satanic holiday
called the Winter Solstice. Jesus was born in the spring. Easter and His birth
should be celebrated together. Halloween is one of the worse satanic holidays
ever. I think if you really knew what they did on those holidays, you’d never
want to have anything to do with them, that is, unless you’re satanic yourself.
Then you’d relish them.
I still believe in
the rapture of the church, although many so-called Christians don’t anymore. We
don’t like God’s timetable. But it will happen because the Bible says so –
unless that’s been something we’ve been lied to about as well. It says, in
Matthew 24:24: “For false messiahs and
false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to
deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.” So I guess it boils down to what
you choose to believe, doesn’t it?
Well, I believe the
Bible and I don’t believe the lies of the Devil or any of his cohorts. He’s a
liar from the beginning and is also INSANE!
I am one of God’s chosen ones. Why? Because I accepted Jesus’s sacrifice
on that cross a long, long time ago and His blood still cleanses and makes me
and anyone else clean who chooses to believe that! His WORD, the Bible, is true
and will come to pass because His Word does not come back void. Jesus is coming
back very, very soon and if you aren’t looking up and waiting expectantly for
His return, you will remain behind. I choose to go with Him! In Jesus’s mighty
name… Amen and Amen!
Amanda Grace Prophetic Word from 5/26/23
Here is a prophetic word that Amanda Grace just had yesterday. I'm posting it because it's filled with amazing predictions from...
Say you’re sick… some part of you isn’t working right, or eventually a fleshly part of you is wearing out. What can you do? You can get medi...
There’s so much encouragement in Psalm 91. I used to read this in bed before I fell asleep (actually to help me fall asleep) when we lived i...
This is going to be a continuation from the last blog post. I was watching Amanda Grace’s prophetic fulfillment and prophetic teaching fro...